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STUDENT A You want to go to the cinema. Ask your partner to go with you.

You love horror movies and there is a really interesting one on. You d like to go on Saturday at 4:00 pm but theres no problem going after that time You hate comedies and romantic films.

Student B Listen to your partners invitation. Say no to everything. You dont want to go out with him/her. Make up funny excuses.

STUDENT A You want to go to the cinema. Ask your partner to go with you. You love horror movies and there is a really interesting one on. You d like to go on Saturday at 4:00 pm but theres no problem going after that time You hate comedies and romantic films.

Student C Listen to your partners invitation. You really like movies. You hate horror films, but you like comedies. You can go on Saturday anytime.

STUDENT A You want to go to the cinema. Ask your partner to go with you. You love horror movies and there is a really interesting one on. You d like to go on Saturday at 4:00 pm but theres no problem going after that time You hate comedies and romantic films. STUDENT A You want to go to the cinema. Ask your partner to go with you. You love horror movies and there is a really interesting one on. You d like to go on Saturday at 4:00 pm but theres no problem going after that time You hate comedies and romantic films.

Student D Listen to your partners invitation. You like any kind of films. You have to meet your parent at 4:00 pm on Saturday but youll be free at 5:00 pm

Student E Listen to your partners invitation. You like horror films and you have nothing to do on Saturday. Make arrangements to meet that day: TIME PLACE.

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