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MONDAY: Introducing Emotion Management Introduction: Class Discussion Questions: 7 min -What is emotion management?

? -What are some emotions we have? -What do those emotions look like? -What do we do about those emotions?

-When emotions are intense, it is hard to think straight and make good decisions. -Strong feelings of anger can lead to behavior that isnt appropriate for the classroom. -We may struggle to make good decisions when experiencing other strong feelings of emotions. -Recognizing and labeling feelings in ourselves and in others can help us problem solve. -Focusing on bodily signs of strong emotions helps us recognize emotions that might need to be managed. -Emotion and language are processed in different parts of the brain. -Using language helps engage the thinking part of the brain. -Simply naming a feeling can help decrease the emotion, which can be helpful us when we are upset or overwhelmed by a strong emotion. - A stop signal is a way to use sign language when upset and halt the escalation of emotions. -We can use Calming-Down steps to regain self-control.

Listen to audio story from, Chicken Soup for a Kids Soul 2 10 min 21:06 KID SAMARITANS Student Open Ended Response Questions on Drag & Dictate 7 min -What are some feelings the main character felt in the story? -Would you have done the same thing as the main character of the story? Why or why not? -Can you relate your life to the main character in the story?

Scenario Simulation: Close eyes and I will talk about emotions. 2 minute independent quick write & then with PEACE PARTNERS think, turn, and tell one strong emotion you experienced recently: 10 min -What is a time you felt happy? -sad? -mad? -jealous? -stressed? -relaxed? -proud? Case Study: 20 min -Each student will get a piece of paper with a character from a scenario. They will read their part and play that person. -They will be in a group of 3. Their TRUSTING TRIOS group. -Each will read their character out loud to the group and what they should do to solve the situation. -How you felt about the situation? -What emotions were triggered? -How would you deal with that situation? -What is one good and one bad way to deal with the situation? Sheil Silverstein Quote Conclusion & Character Survey Response Sheet 5 min

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