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LESSON PLAN (RPP) Subject Class/Semester Meeting to Time Standar Competency Basic Competency Indicator : Physics : XI-IPA / 1 :3 : 2 x 45 Minutes

: 1. Analyze natural phenomena and regularity in scope mechanics point objects : 1.1 Analyze motion straight, motion circular, and motion parabola with using vector : Perform analysis on a parabolic motion to determine the position and velocity of particles through vector analysis

I. The Study Purpose : a. Students can explain about parabolic motion b. Students can revealed that the graph parabolic motion occcurs from a combination of wave and uniformly accelerated motion c. Students can determine the coordinates of the position of the point object at time (t) d. Students can determine the scale of highest point and farthest distance e. Students can apply the formula to solve problem of the parabolic motion II. Material : Parabolic Motion III. Study Model Study Method : Direct Instruction Cooperative learning : Speech Group discussion

IV. The Step : a. Initial Activity: Motivation : Determine the video of parabolic motion Prasyarat : The definition of GLB and GLBB b. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Main Activity : Teacher explain the definition of parabolic motion Teacher explain about the initial condition of parabolic motion within a certain interval Teacher explain about the parabolic motion at highest point Teacher explain about the parabolic motion at the furthest point Discussion group to solve problem of parabolic motion

c. Final Activity : 1. Summary 2. Give task V. Study Source : Physics Book class XI semester 1 VI. Valuation : A. Kognitif B. Afektif : Individu task : Terlampir

The Valuation of Task Soal-soal 1. A bullet is fired with angle of elevation 53o and the initial velocity 75 m/s. If the accelaration of gravity is 10 m/s2, specify : a. The highest point that can reach by the bullet b. The furthest point that can reach by the bullet c. Time the bullet in the air

The Assessment Task Sheet Subject Class/Semester Basic Competency : Physics : XI-IPA / 1 : 1.1 Analyze motion straight, motion circular, and motion parabola with using vector A ASPECT ASSESSED B C SCORE VALUE

NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keterangan A = Absence B = Polite


- Sangat Baik - Baik - Cukup - Kurang - Sangat Kurang

= 5 = 4 = 3 = 2 =1

C = Antusiasme

Value = The score X 100/ Maximum Score

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