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521 Graduate School Scholarship Programme- GSSP Program for The Promotion of foreign doctoral Students in structured doctoral Programs Announcement 2012
Doctoral programs are becoming to a central element of qualification and promotion for young scientists in Europe. Quality standards in the selection and supervision of postgraduate students and an international research environment contribute to the attractiveness of these programs and create especially for candidates from abroad, an ideal start conditions for a successful scientific and social integration. The DAAD intends to contribute to this new promotion program, a) To increase the number of DAAD-funded foreign doctoral students in structured doctoral programs in Germany and b) To sustainably support doctoral programs in developing research collaborations with overseas partners by providing DAAD-funded PhD workplaces for foreign doctoral students. Eligible for this new program are internationally oriented doctoral programs at German universities that offer structured forms of selection and supervision of postgraduate students. Awarding doctoral fellowships in the structured doctoral programs are carried out in two stages. In the first stage, candidates will be selected in a competition of doctoral program, a grant up to four DAAD-funded doctoral workplaces (each two places for two consecutive years) for three years, or up to four years in occurring cases of doctoral students from developing and emerging economic countries. In the second step the selected programs nominate suitable doctoral candidates for a DAAD scholarship. Candidates, who have been nominated in the first step of selected doctoral programs at German universities for a DAAD scholarship, should then submit an application to DAAD for a full scholarship. The final selection will be made by a higher institution lecturer commission of DAAD. The scholarship award and administration are executed by the DAAD. A list of the selected universities offering grants and the links to their doctoral programs are under

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