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i dont cry in front of people, i wait til m alone from d world so no one can see i gave up...

if ur pride is bigger dan ur heart n ur ego is bigger dan ur head...dan grow up or ull b alone for life...!! ive tried so hard to tell myself dat ure gone, but though ure still wid me, ive been alone all along.. all i wanted to do was collapse into sum1s arms n cry today...but der wasnt any1 der to catch me... when i walk alone , i wish i cud reach d end of d road soon..but wen a frnd walks with me...i wish d road never ends.. how cud i b so lost,in a place i knw so well?...hw cud i b so broken , in a family so together?...hw cud i b so lonely, surrounded by so many?...hw cud i b so unhappy,surrounded by so much beauty?...HW CUD I B ME..WEN EVEN I REMAIN A MYSTERY??? Many ppl hav touchd d edges of my life...cumin n goin, scarcely leavin n impression...but ure an uncommon person..sum1 whu has made a difference in my its nt surprising dat i find myself thinking hw special u r ....n wanting us aleays to remain close... Hurts.. dsnt it?...hw much strength it takes to act like u dnt knw make eye contact wid d one thng dat meant d most to u... nd yet ,hell never knw...hell never

knw hw many times u typed i miss u n den deleted it... hell never knw hw many times u dialled his number n didnt press call...hell never knw hw much it hurt....rite? U always seem to cum to my mind....most often wen i dnt want u to...

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