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-Bryan Vasquez

-Camilo Rodriguez

Place to go

Things to do

People to meet


Machu Picchu: To visit there are two traditional ways to get the most common by train from the city of Cuzco and the other across the Inca Trail No road to Machu Picchu, has no airport. Is a very nice place to visit for its beautiful scenery Cuzco: The origins of Cuzco are lost in the mists of time. ____________________ Archaeological excavations made us know that the Cuzco valley was ____________________ inhabited by primitive people about three millennia ago.

Lima: Its historic center houses treasures of colonial and architecture and has been declared a World Heritage Site by the beauty and richness of many of its buildings, ornate Moorish balconies, beautifully decorated temples and churches and colonial houses.


You might eat an onion soup at the Market

You might enjoy the architecture and development of tahuantinsuyo, the Inca empire
You might stroll along the catedral de lima You may go to the casino

students painters Couples in love tourists children families adventurous

I think it's an amazing place because:

has beautiful landscapes

serves to release tension is to connect with nature makes us appreciate the landscape

is a place to enjoy with friends, family, etc..

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