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AZAB KUBUR Kebenaran Al-Quran

On this photo a 18-year old young man who died in one of hospitals of Oman. The corpse of the boy has been dug out from a tomb in 3 hours after his funeral under the insisting of his father. The boy died in hospital and has been buried under the Islamic law and on the same day after obligatory ablution of the body. However after funeral the father has doubted of the diagnosis of doctors and wanted to identify the true reason of his death.

Relatives and his friends shocked when they saw the corpse. He was completely different within 3 hours. He turned grey as the very old man, with traces of obvious tortures and the most severe beating, with the broken bones of hands and legs, with the edges broken and pressed into a body. All His body and face were full of bruise. The open eyes-showed hopeless fear and pain. The blood obviously attributes that the boy has been subjected to the most severe torture.

Keadaan wajah yang tua sakit tersiksa terlalu azab sehingga wajah bertukar menjadi tua.
Ya Allah, ya Tuhan kami. Ampunilah dosa-dosa kami dan berilah kami petunjuk Mu. AzabMu teramat pedih.

Close relatives of the dead man have addressed to Islamic scientists who have unequivocally declared that it is available results of tomb torture which the Allah (s.w.t) and in the Hadis of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) have warned. The shocked father of the boy has admitted that his son was spoilt, did not do Solat, and had a carefree way of life, having involved in different sins. Each died person comes across tests in the tomb for exception Shahids who died in Jihad on the way of Allah. This is first terrible test which the person comes across before the Doomsday.

Kisah seorang remaja 18 tahun

Di dalam hadis Nabi s.a.w. Ada disebutkan bahawa malaikat akan memukul berulangkali orang yang berdosa semasa soal-jawab di dalam kubur dan ini adalah benar. Adalah diberitakan juga bahawa Nabi s.a.w. sendiri memohon kepada Allah s.w.t untuk melindungi baginda daripada siksaan di dalam kubur dan meminta umatnya melakukan perkara yang sama. Kisah seorang remaja yang berumur 18 tahun adalah tanda kepada orang beriman dan ini adalah kisah bagi sesiapa yang dikunci hatinya oleh Allah s.w.t. MEREKA MELIHAT TAPI TIDAK NAMPAK. DENGAR TAPI TIDAK MENGAMBIL ITIBAR!

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