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List of rate of growths:

Time Complexity O(1) O(log n) O(n) O(n log n) O(n2) O(n3) O(2n) O (n!) Name Constant Logarithmic Linear Linear Logarithm Quadratic Cubic Exponential Factorial Example Adding an element to the front of a linked list Finding an element in a sorted array Finding an element in an unsorted array Sorting n items by divide-&-conquer merge sort Shortest path between two nodes in a graph Matrix Multiplication The Towers of Hanoi problem

* There are many other orders that are far worse than even these.

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

Dr. Mohammed Fadle

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