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This is more or less what I will submit as assignment 4 A short post for our discussion forums Global Englishes

and Learning in a global context In the 1920s author Frigyes Karinthy published a series of stories; one of which was called Chain links(in my dropbox at ), it was based on the hypothesis that any two people in the world could be connected in no more than six steps. This led to seminal studies that developed in the shrinking world or small world experiments (an example ). As social medias began to appear and as they have begun to expand and influence millions and millions of peoples lives the six steps have broken down to 3.345 today(especially Twitter contributes to this result) . To speak of global Englishes and a global learning context(where global underlines differences and distance) becomes superfluous, as people who can connect in a click and impact others directly or not, are determining changes in a globally common language and making physical distances void. Today there is an English spoken globally that acquires new definitions with special character and emphasis, in its demand for new terms as more and more people connect and at every change our lifestyles and occupations and studies undergo (This supports my argument that there is one English with emphatically meaningful words; this shows change because of different agents ). If you take a look at Termwiki (, you will discover that your old dictionary is not and never will be an up-to-date one. If you are a learner, an Esl teacher,a translator or a writer, resources such as blogs, discussion forums, termwiki-like sites and even MOOCs, where people feed people knowledge and insight, become key to the completion of work-related tasks and learning. Plus, speaking of a small world, dont forget that even though our course is massive and online us MOOCmates are likely to introduce personally in no more than 3.345 steps.

See also: rule of exclusion (uncontacted peoples), for examples of people who really do live in a big world.

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