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Language and Style The story uses the first person I and it is told from Annas point of view.

The language is simple and clear. Through Annas description, the readers get the insight into the feelings of the characters. It uses simple vocabulary; short dialogues; lots of exclamation marks (!); unfinished sentences (); there is a use of italics to show emphasis and unexpected surprise. Simile The story has several interesting and funny similes: he looked like a dog who had just found a bone; mouths wide open like a couple of fish. Why did everybody sound like bad movies tonight? Imagery The fruitcake ingredient makes the sophisticated perfume smell like a glorious mix of all natural, delicious, inviting and warm smells (like fresh bread and flowers and sunshine all mixed together). Themes The effects of a perfume- The fragrance of a perfume has a very strong appeal. Men are attracted to ladies who are wearing it. Thus, it is popular amongst women. Keeping ones dignity- Anna rejects both David Amos and the waiter as they are not genuinely concerned about her. She has integrity and has pride in her own worth. She resigned from her career at Amos Cosmetics because she did not like the way her employer, David Amos treated her.

Language and Style The story uses the first person I and it is told from Annas point of view. The language is simple and clear. Through Annas description, the readers get the insight into the feelings of the characters. It uses simple vocabulary; short dialogues; lots of exclamation marks (!); unfinished sentences (); there is a use of italics to show emphasis and unexpected surprise. Simile The story has several interesting and funny similes: he looked like a dog who had just found a bone; mouths wide open like a couple of fish. Why did everybody sound like bad movies tonight? Imagery The fruitcake ingredient makes the sophisticated perfume smell like a glorious mix of all natural, delicious, inviting and warm smells (like fresh bread and flowers and sunshine all mixed together).

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