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Dubric: Virtue and Business

This masterpiece of H. Dubric takes us through the different scenarios that the businessman has created and used over time, without effective solutions, and excellent results, achieving undermine their own confidence in making decisions. When it came to light in 2004 the second book of H. Dubric, many people exclaimed that it was impossible, it could be existed a rapprochement between Virtue and Business and least for these times.

Virtue and Business Ethics is an agreement of Ethics and Moral. It is a different way of focusing managerial processes in Business, is a new way in a competitive world of asymmetries, disloyalty, professional jealousy, abuse of power, etc.., Where business managers, consultants and executives, face bribery, betrayal, pressure and threats by the constant demands of what we call market.

H. Dubric affirms: "Certainly, those who think that the virtue is not coexistent with the business, are those who forgot that the money, it is a simple value of psychological interchange, and it does not have REAL VALUE. They turned to the BUSINESS in a "tangle", where all kinds of crimes can happen, and illicit others, in violation of all principles ".

There is no doubt that the FIFTH MANAGERIAL SYSTEM presented by this Venezuelan business consultant, is the New Order that shakes the foundations of professional training since 1990. Virtue and Business is a book that brings a NEW WAY OF THINKING and face the big challenges of the BUSINESS, generating a substantial internal change, able to obtain in practice, greater sagacity to provide solutions to critical situations and display more judicious choice of priorities.

To increase the possibilities of success in these times of CRISIS H. Dubric could reconcile the interior balance, with the dynamic life across his FIFTH MANAGERIAL SYSTEM OF DIRECTION AND MANAGING OF THE FREE INITIATIVE.

Virtue and Business, is armed with the experiences of the moment, destroys the uncertainty and the dread that this one represents. This work is focused on a New Vision, and rests in the Conscientious Ethical values, which change substantially the way of doing BUSINESS and of living.

VIRTUE AND BUSINESS. The first edition of this book was made in 2004, and shows us that the FIFTH SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT called FREE INITIATIVE, presented by H. Dubric in his first book (written in 1990), is the most effective method for focusing the managerial processes of the BUSINESS. In order to write, this one is his second work, and it gives us the pyramidal base which sustains this FIFTH MANAGERIAL STYLE of DIRECTION and Management delivered by him: a) Deepen eternal and universal principles b) The need for change, from the point of view of ANNIHILATION OF EGO, c) Respect free will.

In other words this FIFTH SYSTEM is a new style, based on the AWARENESS of every human being, is the answer to current and future challenges. It finishes the tendency to resort to old patterns, processes and practices of the past to find the SUCCESS. Nobody can make a difference of view if it does not take into consideration the FIFTH SYSTEM unveiled by this Venezuelan. Virtue and Business, is an educational book which closes gaps and bridges between uncertainty sets called "future" and the results of the present. Open the door to the future and how to face it. We speak of the domino effect and the fall of the three tabs that supported the game of life and all its stages.

Virtue and Business like Birth of a New Executive are books written for a new way of thinking and meet the challenges of the BUSINESS, achieving a substantial change, able to generate in practice, greater sagacity to provide solutions to contribute solution to the critical situations and visualization more accurate of priorities selection. In these books in a didactic form shows us the tools to beat the CORRUPTION, felony, bribes, and WIN, WIN, finishing with such complaint and unmotivated.

He invites to confront and overcome oneself with precise tools to achieve true success.

H. Dubric in this book shows us toward the market goes and global financial affairs will, and the lives of large corporations if they consider his advice.

Antonio Moreno. H. Dubric Press. Venezuela.

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