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Rohit Singh Pundhir, Sachin Kushwaha, Satyam Saxena, Shipra Porwal, Shipra Roy

Department of Food Technology, FET, RBS Engineering Technical Campus, Bichpuri, Agra Mushroom is a fungal growth that typically takes the form of a domed cap on a stalk, often with gills on the underside of the cap. Mushrooms are in increasing demand due to its extensive use in culinary preparation. It is now regarded as an important export commodity. They are orient for their flavor and reputed medicinal values. Most of the edible mushrooms such as oyster (Pleuro-tusflavus), button (agaricus bisporous) and shiitake mushrooms (Lentinusedodes) are rich in nutrients including free amino acds, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals.besides neutritional values, mushrooms are also found to be medically active in several therapeutic effects such as anti cancer, anti tumor, anti viral , anti oxidant and immunomodulating due to there bioactive ingredients content. Mushrooms are gradually becoming popular as they are rich in minerals and vitamins and very low on fat and sugar. Mushrooms are rich in high quality protein having around 60-70% digestible amino acids. Mushroom supply dietary fiber and are good source of several important B group vitamins, especially nicin and riboflavin. It is also known to have medicinal values and certain varieties of mushroom can inhibit growth fo cancerous tumor. For drying of mushroom air is used as a drying medium. Slices of 10 mm thickness of white button mushrooms were dehydrated in tray dryer. Temperatures are of 40, 50 and 60 0 C initial time is of 3 hr. and after it time variation is of hr. citric acid is used as a pretreatment. Concentration of citric acid used is 40g/l i.e. solution of 4% of citric acid is used as a pretreatment. To prevent the browning on the surface of white button mushroom when dehydrated mushrooms are dipped in 4% solution of citric acid for 10 min. Treated and untreated mushrooms are compared with each other after dehydration on the basis of property like rehydration. It was observed that 10 mm thickness of mushroom slices at 60 0 C at 4 hours was found to be of best quality.

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