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Sir Martin

Alejandro Barrientos Frobisher

Born around 1535 in Yorkshire, England, Martin Frobisher became a licensed pirate and plundered French ships off the coast of Africa. In the 1570s, he made three voyages to discover a Northwest Passage to the Orient. Instead, he discovered Labrador and what is now Frobisher Bay. Later, he was knighted for fighting against the Spanish Armada. He was killed in a battle with Spanish forces in 1594.

To go on his trip, he got the funds and support of the Muscovy Company (an English merchant consortium). On his first voyage he discovered Labrador, and whats today called Frobisher Bay.

In his second voyage he brought back 200 tons, of what he thought was gold, and he sold it pretty good.

Enco uraged by this, he made a third voyage, and brought back 1350 tons of the ore. The ore after years of smelting was discovered to be worthless iron pyite.

The Royal Navy HMS Frobisher, Frobisher Bay, and Frobisher Crescent, were all named after him.

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