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Angela Bethea Eng 111-09 Megan Keaton 9, July 2013


Animal Abuse Animal abuse is when an animal is cruelly treated by a human being. It is a growing problem that animal activist try their best to stop. It is too often that animals are abused and end up losing their lives. In this essay I will be discussing the causes of animal abuse. One cause of animal abuse is a connection with other violent situations. A 2001-2004 study by the Chicago police department revealed a starting propensity for offenders charged with crimes against animals to commit other violent offenses toward human victims (The Humane Society of the United States). The HSUS estimates that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence (HSUS). People become angry by their past experiences with violence that they take their anger out on innocent animals. People that grew up in violent homes usually become involved with animal abuse. Most people from violent backgrounds find joy from being in control of something smaller than them. Since animals are unable to talk and are vulnerable these people see them as a target (HSUS). Animal abuse in some cases can be unintentional or intentional. Unintentional is when the person is not aware that they are harming the animal. Intentional is when the person purposely abuses the animal (Britt). An example of unintentional abuse is hoarding. Hoarding is when someone thinks they are helping animals by owning so many animals it is impossible to take care of all of them. Animal hoarding can cause serious issues. According to Bret Hopman The effects of animal hoarding are far-reaching and encompass mental health, animal welfare,

Bethea 2 and public safety concerns. In other words hoarding is a mental disorder that can seriously harm animals and other people because of its foul conditions. Animal hoarding causes animals to die from the lack of attention every animal needs. Hoarders get overwhelmed with all of the animals they dont feed, take care of the animals medical needs, or clean up after the animals. No matter how much hoarders think they are helping they are actually harming the animals. This is a serious crime people that hoard animals can face years in prison. Peer pressure in children can cause animal abuse. Children can get pressured by their friends to harm an animal for entertainment. These kids want to fit in with everyone else, so they do what they see everyone else doing (Information on Animal Cruelty). Young children may not understand the seriousness of throwing things at innocent animals. Children think its innocent fun not seeing that the animal is hurt. Most children dont do it to harm the animal some kids are angry because of a different situation (Information on Animal Cruelty). Children will regularly do these things thinking it is okay to do so. Children that have experienced this situation can grow up to become animal abusers. According to Margaret Mead One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a child is to kill or torture an animal and get away with it (National Link Coalition). Neglect is another cause of animal abuse. Animal neglect is when a owner abandons the animal for a long period of time (Peta). To add to animals being deprived of their social needs they also are not given the food, water, shelter, and veterinary care they need (Peta). Dogs that are chained most likely starve, get dehydrated or become hypothermic because they are unable to do for themselves (Humane Society of the United States). Dogs usually bark and whine to communicate that they are in distress because they are left alone. Dogs howl or bark for days

Bethea 3 send out a clear signal that they are not being taken care of. The dog could be hurt or left alone purposely (Humane Society of the United States). To prevent animal abuse from happening people should report cases of animal abuse. There are various numbers to call in case someone expects an animal being abused. Also people can share the awareness about animal abuse with others. The more people know about the seriousness of animal abuse the less animal abuse will occur. If someone is buying a new pet they should research how to properly take care of the pet before purchasing the animal. This way people can decide whether they are able to take care of the pet or not.

Works Cited Animal Legal Defense Fund. Animal Fighting Facts.Animal Legal Defense Fund. 2009.Web.26 Jun. 2013. Britt,Darice. Animal Crulety and Neglect Exposed. 2013. Web. 22 Jun. 2013. Information on Animal Crulty. Information on Animal Cruelty.Web. 24 Jun. 2013. National Link Coalition. Children Abusing Animals. National Link Coalition.Web. 26 Jun. 2013. Neglected Animals with No Escape.Humane Society of the United States.2013.Web.8 Jul.2013. Report Animal Cruelty What you do to Stop Animal Cruelty.Peta.2013.Web.8 Jul.2013. The Humane Society of the United States. Animal Cruelty Facts and Statistics. The Human Society of the United States. Jul. 2011.Web. 22 Jun.2013.

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The Humane Society of the United States. Animal Cruelty and Human Violence. The Humane Society of the United States.Apr. 2011.Web. 22 Jun. 2013.

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