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What is id ego?

Answer: Id and ego are two of the three components of the human psyche in Freudian thought: id ego and superego. The id is the part of the mind that drives the person to seek pleasure and instant gratification. it does not differ between what is right or wrong ;it only focuses on pleasure and deterring pain. the Superego is the part of the mind that calls for moral standards. the superego is formed from education, religion, parents and social expectations. In other words the superego tell you what is right and proper. The ego bridges the id and the superego. meaning, it compromises between the selfish bodily urges and the extreme moral appropriateness. The ego is called the reality principle. It makes a compromise to fit the reality. fitting reality means, making the id and the superego happy. if people would act on the id alone, there would be no civilization. the world would be chaotic and anarchist. on the other hand, people cannot always manage to do the greatest degree of moral standings. therefore the ego balances the person to be a law abiding citizen and a decent person along with having personal pleasures.

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