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architectures for web-based interfaces in the design of web applications, mvc is implemented by template systems as "view for web"

component. mvc is also known as a "model 2" architecture in sun parlance. complex web applications continue to be more difficult to design than traditional applications, and mvc is being pushed as a potential solution to these difficulties. * apache cocoon - use the pyramid of contracts concept, to the separation of content, style, logic and management functions. * aswing an opensource actionscript2 (flash) implementation of the java swing library. * blokz a php + postgresql mvc framework. * cakephp a mvc and active records design pattern based php framework * catalyst * code igniter a php mvc framework * copix - php framework * django * dragonphp * ingenious mvc .net mvc * fusebox * javaserver faces, apache struts and webwork2 are currently the most popular web oriented mvc implementations. * mach-ii * maverick for .net * maypole * microsoft uip * model-glue for coldfusion link * monorail an actionpack inspired mvc framework from the castle project * nitro * openxava business component oriented as alternative to classical mvc frameworks * orbeon * mvc frameworks written in php (wiki) * phrame * php on trax * radicore for either php 4 or 5 * ruby on rails * smart3 * solarphp - php framework under development * solstice - an mvc-based perl web application framework. * spring framework * stripes * struts * symfony * tapestry * turbogears for python, with ajax * the webobjects development/deployment environment is strongly based on mvc. * wicket * xforms is an approach on building web based applications based on mvc, under development by w3c * zend framework a light-weight framework for php. * znf * zoop framework a php framework

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