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ERBIL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Deportee/ Inadmissible Passenger Activity - Work Instruction

1 Work Instruction Reference 2 Procedure Title 3 Process


Deportee / Inadmissible Passenger Activity - Work instruction

3.1 Deportee / Inadmissible (INAD) Passenger handling (General) PSA (Deportee Handling Staff) 3.1.1 3.1.2 Staff receives the deportee advice form with the passengers inbound ticket and inbound boarding pass from immigration. Staff acknowledges receipt of the immigration deportee form by writing date, time received and staff name along with initials on the form. Staff verifies the passengers inbound details and determines the inbound airline. The verified details should be written on the deportee form. For e.g: PASSENGER ARRIVED ON XX1234/26TH NOV / ORIGIN. Ticket details of the passenger should be mentioned on the form for airlines reference. For e.g. PASSENGER HOLDING RETURN OR OUTBOUND TICKET OR PASSENGER NOT HOLDING RETURN TICKET. A copy of the deportee form along with proof of travel (inbound ticket/boarding pass) is passed to the concerned airline.




3.1.10 Passenger must be booked onto outbound flight, and issued boarding card immediately before flight closure. Passenger must then be escorted to boarding gate. 3.2 Deportee / Inadmissible (INAD) Passenger handling PSA (Deportee Handling Staff) 3.2.1 3.2.2 Deportee handling staff to inform the airline and Check-in passenger on the FRAV flight as mentioned on the form. Relevant Facts to be inserted in the system with the airlines consent e.g.: DEPU-which stands for deportee unescorted, DEPA- which stands for deportee accompanied by escorts. DEPO-deportee, INADinadmissible. Where passenger has baggage, ensure an OBTM is sent to MHB to retag baggage. SPSA to ensure passenger is boarded and hand over the documents to passenger only at the time of boarding.

3.2.3 SPSA 3.2.6

1 June 2010

This document is uncontrolled if found in hard copy, unless stated otherwise Initial Issue

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