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The Red Cedar Writing Project


June 25, 2013 Amber Rutan

Fair-ye-well young literacy explorers. You have traveled far and wide, but dont fret because as our guide Janet has said, We are at the halfway point of our Red Cedar Writing Project journey!

As you explore and survey new books, technology, MSUs campus, and your fellow travelers, you need to review this guide carefully to survive the rest of this expedition

1. Always bring subsistence!

Proteinsuch as a well assorted meat and cheese traywill provide the needed energy to get through the day and fill your belly up so you arent ravenous every hour, on the hour. Also, adding authentic salsa and chips from the farmers market could add some cultural integrity to your Red Cedar experience.

2. Have a good peer review plan.

We have all been there. Peer reviewing can be the bane of a teachers existence. Nothing is more wonderful than seeing two students say, Awesome Job! You too, and calling it good. Peer review is tough and takes a lot of consideration and reflection as an educator. Some helpful things to consider are: Can you use technology like Google docs/Eli Review to help structure your peer reviews? How can we push student accountability when they do peer reviews? Should peer review be tied to grading? How can a successful peer review be put on paper if you dont have the technology? So, be prepared. Just coming in and saying, Okay kids exchange papers, read, and give honest feedback when you are done! is not a plan, and willguaranteedturn into a instant hour of unproductive, random socialization for your classroom.

2. Bring a raincoat.
Michigan has treated us well, but the storm clouds can roll in anywhere, anytime, so be prepared!

3. Dont be afraid to explore.

The worldespecially the digital worldis a vast, endless, and sometimes overwhelming land to experience, so bring a copy of Troy Hicks Crafting Digital Writing with you! Focusing on a chapter at a time can give you some grounding and act as the map of exploration for new educational resources. For instance, review chapter four, where you can explore great sites like Prezi, Glogster, Voki, Grammerly, and Digital Story. However, bring some cash! You may have some expenses with these different technologies.

4. Make an itinerary
So much to do! So much to see! So much to process! As your expedition starts to come to a close (eight more days left!), you need to think about all you must accomplish including: what Mechanically Inclined lesson you want to do, how to balance the reading schedule for our final two books, and what type of goodies to bring to our community salad lunch! Think about the day to day, hour by hour itinerary to help you stay on the trail and not get lost!

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