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Hydrabadi Dum Ka Mutton Biryani

Servings : 2 Time Taken : 15-30 mins

Ingredients: Mutton big pieces with bones (preferably indian mutton) - 1/2 kg Basamati rice(soked in water for 1/2 hour) - 1/2 kg Onions cut into think slices - 150 grms Tez patta (bay leaves) - 4 to 5 leaves Lavang (cloves) - 5 to 6 Jhajeera - 1 spoon Cinnamom sticks (Dal Chinni) - 3 Kali mirchi (Sabuth) - 4 to 5 Elachi (Big) - 2 Pudina (Mint Leaves)chopped - 1 bunch Cashew nuts - 100 (optional) Milk - 2 tb spoon Kesar color - 1/4 spoon Ghee - 1 1/2 cups Marination (for 1 to 2 hours) Wash mutton pieces and put in a earthen pot or heavy bottom vessel. Add to Mutton: Giner garlic paste - 2 tbs Shajeera powder - 1 spoon Cinnamom powder - 1 spoon Salt according to taste Red chilly powder - 1/2 small spoon Turmeric powder - 1 spoon Dhania powder - 2 tbs spoon Green chilly paste - 2 tbs spoon Jeera powder - 2 spoon Curds thick - 1 1/2 cups Fresh coriender chopped finely - 1 bunch Fresh pudina - 1 bunch Mix well so that all mutton pieces are well coated and let it marinate for 1 to 2 hours. Prepration: Step 1 Heat little ghee in a kadai and fry the the sliced onions till they are dark brown and crisp. and keep aside. Fry the cashew nuts in ghee for few seconds till they become light brown, do not burn them. Step 2 Heat ghee in a heavy bottom vessel and add tez patta, lavang, elachi (cardamom big ones), sabuth kali mirchi, cinnamom sticks and saute for few seconds add the marinated mutton pieces and cook in slow flame stiring for every few minutes. Mean time cook the soked rice with salt (1/2 spoon) till half boil, drain the water and spread it on a plate and sprinkle ghee over the rice. Step 3 When the mutton is almost (see that it is not over cooked but just cooked)done take out the cooked mutton in a plate. Rice And Mutton Layers: Put some mutoon mixture in the same bowl in which MUTTON was cooked, add on top of the mutton some half boiled rice evenly and sprinkle one spoon ghee and chopped pudina leaves and fried cashew nuts and sprinkle kesar mixed in milk from top. Continue the process for all the layers till the Rice and Mutton is over. Add the fried crisp brown onions from top Step 4 Immediately after the above prcedure, cook biryani in SLOW FLAME that is on DUM with tightly closed lid for 10 to 15 minutes or till you think the rice is cooked. Server with curd raitha, fresh green salad and boiled eggs (cut into halves).

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