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The Eye gaze System is a communication system for people with complex physical disabilities. This operates with eyes by looking at control keys displayed on a screen. With this system a person can synthesize speech, control his environment , operate a telephone, run computer software, operate a computer mouse, and access the Internet and e-mail.

Introduction Users of the eye gaze system

Running Functionalities Operational environment Advancements Future Work Conclusion

The Eye gaze System is a direct-select visioncontrolled communication and control system.

Edmund Huey built an early eye tracker, using a sort of contact lens with a hole for the pupil. The lens was connected to an aluminum pointer that moved in response to the movement of the eye It was developed in Fairfax, Virginia, by LC Technologies, Inc., With the help of an eye gaze system, people whose communication abilities are impaired can still express their feelings and needs with a limitless vocabulary.

Who uses the eye gaze system?

This system is mainly developed for those who lack the use of their hands or voice Its users are adults and children with cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, ALS, multiple sclerosis, brainstem strokes

Skills needed by the users

Good control of one eye

Adequate vision
Ability to maintain a position in front of the Eye gaze monitor

Parts of the eye gaze system

Working of the eye gaze system

How can we run this eye gaze?

The Basic Eye gaze can

Calibrate Typewrite Read Text Entertain with games Teach Screens

With Options The Eye gaze Can

BE AT TWO SITES!! BE A KEYBOARD SPEAK through a speech synthesizer CONTROL appliances DIAL and answer a phone

The Phrase Program

The telephone program

Run Second PC
As a keyboard

As a mouse controller

The Lights & appliances Program

Operational environment
The Eyegaze System must be operated in an environment where there is limited of infrared light. The System works best away from windows, and in a room lit with fluorescent or mercuryvapor lights, which are low in infrared.


Offer an unobstructed field of view with good access to the face and head. Make no contact with the subject. Be easily extended to binocular recording Be compatible with head and body recordings Be easy to use on a variety of subjects.

New portable eye gaze systems

IntelliGaze IG-30
It is a sophisticated system with a high tracking rate and excellent working range. It can accommodate rapid or involuntary head movements Intelligaze uses the latest camera technology, very sophisticated image processing and calibration methods

For people with limited eye control

Scanning Keyboard is the new row/column keyboard with an on- screen eye "switch" for people with limited eye movement.

Some of the common eye movement problems that interfere with Eyegaze use are
Nystagmus - constant, involuntary movement of the eyeball
Alternating strabismus - eyes cannot be directed to the same object, either one deviates

The common vision problems are

Inadequate Visual acuity Diplopia (double vision) Blurred vision Cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye)

Mental abilities that improve the probability for successful Eyegaze use

Ability to read Cognition Memory

Neurosciences /Neuropsychology Vision Research Experimental Psychology Cognitive Psychology Psycholinguistics Psychiatry /Mental Health Transportation: Flight simulators /driving simulators Robotics - remote vision control Video and arcade games

The Eye gaze Systems Eyefollower2.0
Totally Free Head Motion Automatic Eye Acquisition Binocular Eye tracking High Gaze point Tracking Accuracy Easy User Calibration

Today, the human eye-gaze can be recorded by relatively unremarkable techniques. This thesis argues that it is possible to use the eye-gaze of a computer user in the interface to aid the control of the application.

Care must be taken, though, that eye-gaze tracking data is used in a sensible way, since the nature of human eye-movements is a combination of several voluntary and involuntary cognitive processes.

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