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1o help Lhe sLudenLs ln carrylng ouL all Lhelr fotJb and oof
lbadaL on ume durlng Lhls blessed monLh of 8amadhan, we
have handed ouL forms for Lhem Lo keep a check on Lhelr
Popefully, wlLh supervlslon and monlLorlng from parenLs,
sLudenLs wlll be more encouraged Lo achleve maxlmum ben-
eLs ln Lhls monLh lnshaAllah.
lorms are requlred Lo be slgned by parenLs and handed ln on
reLurnlng Lo madrasah.
PadraL ubadah bln SaamlL (radhlaAllah anhu) reporLs LhaL
nabl S.A.W sald .o sbow Allob yoot tlqbteoosoess ftom
yootselves. lot vetlly tbe most pluoble ooJ oofottooote ooe ls
tbe ooe wbo ls JeptlveJ of Allobs metcy lo tbls mootb.
-tepotteJ by 1obtoool-
Latest Additions
Alhamdullllah we have nally managed Lo geL carpeLs for Lhe
Surau and desks for Lhe classroom. Cur small llbrary ls also
growlng wlLh Lhe arrlval of a few boxes of reference klLaabs
recenLly. hoLos wlll be puL up on our blog soon lnsyaAllah.
8e sure Lo check Lhem ouL!
Dua to be read from the 1st - 10th kamadhan

O Allob! nove metcy oo me O tbe Most metclfol of tbe
metclfol ooes.
Dua to be read from the 11th20th kamadhan

O Allob lotqlve my slos O tbe lotJ of tbe oolvetse
Dua to be read from the 21st30th kamadhan

O Allob teleose me ftom tbe nell-llte ooJ oJmlt me loto
lotoJlse O lotJ of tbe oolvetse
Issue 2
July 2013 Syaban 1434 H
Madrasah Contact Details
lor lnqulrles, suggesuons, or feedbacks, we may be
conLacLed Lhrough Lhese numbers:-
019-236 7926 : usLaz Abdul kadlr
019-392 1614 / 019-317 0233 : usLazahs
MondayIr|day:- 10 AM 12:30 M & 3 M 7 M
Saturday:- 10 AM12 M
Ramadhan Amaal Forms
Trip To Cameron Highlands
Madrasah ls plannlng a Lhree days and Lwo nlghLs Lrlp Lo Cam-
eron Plghland nexL semesLer lnsyaAllah. lees per sLudenLs ls
approxlmaLely 8M130. lease conLacL us for lnqulrles.
Duas During Ramadhan
Ramadhan Contribution
8eglsLrauon for 2014 lnLake ls now open. 1hose lnLeresLed are
advlsed Lo conLacL us as soon as posslble. 8eglsLrauon deLalls
are as follows:-
8eglsLrauon lee: 8M 400
?early lee: 8M 3,400
PealLhcare: 8M 100
2014 Registration
narraLed by Sayyldlna 'Adl bln Paum 8A LhaL he once heard
Lhe nabl Sallallahu Alayhl Wa Sallam saylng:
"Save yourself fro Hell-ire eve if it e y givig half a
date i harity." [8ukharl]
Alhamdullllah Loday, aer loLs of eorLs and duas from all,
Allah 1aala has made lL posslble for us Lo operaLe on our
own premlses. Powever, a few lLems are sull lncompleLe due
Lo Lhe shorLage of fundlng. lf you are lnLeresLed ln conLrlb-
uung ln Lhls blessed monLh of 8amadhan, please refer Lo Lhe
2nd page for Lhe llsL of our mosL urgenL needs. ?our conLrl-
buuons wlll help Lhe madrasah provlde beuer faclllues for
Lhe glrls lnsyaAllah.
1hose lnLeresLed may approach any of Lhe madrasah sLa or
conLacL us Lhrough numbers provlded ln Lhe Madrasah
ConLacL ueLalls secuon.
ConLrlbuuons of full amounL or parual paymenLs are boLh
welcomed. May Allah reward you abundanLly wlLh Lhe besL
compensauon ln boLh worlds.
We would llke Lo remlnd parenLs LhaL borrowlng ls
sLrongly dlscouraged ln Madrasah, wlLh Lhe alm of
Lralnlng our glrls Lo be lndependenL. So please help us
by ensurlng LhaL when Lhe glrls come back Lhey have all
Lhe Lhlngs menuoned ln Lhe necesslues llsL and whaLev-
er else Lhey may need durlng Lhelr sLay.
Madrasah re-opens on: Sunday, 18]8]2013 (S M)
Page 2 Al-Hikmah Monthly Newsletter
1 uLSkS Classroom uesks (3 SLudenLs per desk) 8M 340 20 8M 6,800
2 Cu8An SPLLvLS Auached Lo surau walls. 2
3 SPCL 8ACkS lor Surau, uormlLorles and Classes 8M30 13
4 Cu81AlnS lC8 Su8Au MaLerlal and Lallorlng for 2.3m (lengLh) curLalns 8M 30 20 8M 1000
3 WALL / lLnClnC
8rlck wall along maln gaLe Lo faclllLaLe purdah
beLween male vlslLors and sLudenLs
kl1AA8S lC8
klLaabs for research and reference - - 8M 30,000
Slze : P84" x u14" x W42" 8M 900 6 8M 3,400
8 CA8L1 Slze: 12 x 24 feeL per plece 8M 330 4 8M 2,200
CA8uLn 1A8LLS Anu
Carden Lable wlLh benches for 6pax (sLone) 8M 720 2 SeLs 8M 1,440
10 lCCu LCCkL8S
Slx ComparLmenL Lockers for lndlvldual food
sLorage space.
Slze: 1829(P) x 381(W) x 381(u) 6 doors
8M 210 10 8M 2,100
May Allah Taala grant us all the strength and the ability to take maximum benefit from
this blessed month, and reward every one who strive for His sake even in the slightest bit,

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