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Road transport
Tracks were invented to help people walk from

one place to another. After wheels were invented, a simple trolley were used to carry goods. People used animals such as horse and bulls to carry heavier goods and other people to one place to another.

The first automobile

Rail Travel

Bullet Trains

Sea Travel
Before the invention of roads and cars, people

use ships to travel to faraway places. Our ancestors use boats to migrate from one place to another. Before 1400, people think that the earth is flat. Explorers sail to another continent to test this theory and discovered the new world and proves that the world is round, for example: Sir Christopher Columbus discovered north america

Before 1940s, people use large ship or ocean liner to travel to faraway places. In 1912, a famous liner called Titanic, which was the biggest liner at that time, sank after it hit an iceberg.

Nowadays, ships are used to transport heavy

cargoes. People also still travel using ships that are called cruise ships. The US army use ships called aircraft carriers that serve as a floating and moving army base. One of the aircraft carrier, USS is as big as

Cruise ships

Aircraft Carrier

Air Travel

A380 the biggest airplanes

The Zeppelin

Military Use

Space Travel

Space shuttle

Mars Rover- Curiosity

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