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Muerte de Narciso desligado seda celo loto chillido airado redoble floresta apresurar garza alfiler rostro pontfice

grifo cabellera arrastrar blando

Death of Narcissus untied, separated, extricated silk zeal, heat, enthusiasm lotus screak, shriek angry, irate roll, rumble (of thunder; drumroll) clearing in a forest, glade hasten, hurry heron pin, stickpin, face, image, / nerve, audacity, effrontery pontiff, pope faucet / griffin head of hair (conjunto de cabellos) drag, pull, tow / win over soft, smooth, / deferrential, passive

El Secreto de Garcilaso pastilla aspirar quemarse intraspasable contrastaciones (adj) marfil

pill inhale, breathe in burn oneself (out***) impenetrable contrasting ivory

Juego de las decapitaciones doblegar codiciar zorro acariciar recostar baratija bastn hechizado quebradizo/a vara nardo recorrer disfrazar (de) apio trasponer posada jorobado bal volador(a) cinta ceo bandido cordillera risita vacilar cigea seda saborear casaca manga hinchar cadera ceir desprender(se) cuchicheo (n) [-ear] cuadrado espeso inmutable mutable espada

reposado veedor feria ejecutante reparto acoplamiento sbito faisn ganso escrutar pfano cuerda vigilar comps canasta manecilla sentencia emparentar pestaear aprestar doncella plebeyo espeluznante alzarse entelequia trampa desesperado allegar trineo escaso lengeta ladrillo farol pico arreciar divisar apualar tentar trastrocar centinela avivar

trepar desperezarse pinchazo incesante puo latiguillo cuello clavar alfiler resuelto mejilla brindar latigazo alejarse sacudir entrecortado hocico sobresaltar ingenuo cansancio sorber tutano sujetar elaborar caricia herldica peldao granja melocotn disimular pacer tapiz sorbo cesta fugado proscenio bandada gaviota aceitar guarecerse gruta

disparo cortante grosero fugaz turbar altivez transcurrir recluir disear agudeza prescindir presionar anular celda martill(e)ar incrustar jinete montura aliviar desazn destreza gotear lirismo neblinoso estirpe desinflar apartar hereja saciedad displicencia escarnio cuenta*** disecar enloquecer escaramuza tantear embestida rendir derivarse restante candidez

asombro retoo las tropas podero potro herrar ingravidez pellizcar deslizarse hialino convivir polvillo rumia aliento revertir enceguecer asomar embestir ramazn vaciedad obturar retirada lanzar enlazar disfraz derrota palmada tinglado frialdad redondeado estapario tragarse devolver mosca (adj invariable) golpear en algo descarado casco ordenanza asentir presumir diestro

terciopelo mortal potenciar frenes aunar marear(se) embriagarse acuchillar hoguera vigilante reventar cuero vacilante temblor aspereza grillo untar roco sea avisar huestes tendido encerrona desistir ajusticiar arns bho incorrecto rebanar desatar escindir indeferenciarse hlito lucir fluir acomodar(se) cantable encrucijada parada insignia arrastrar

el viga muralla tablado relieve agujero tetilla romanza cobrar rasgar retorno arquero flagelar rociar lecho lujoso remolino humo chirrido recobrar coincidente descenso moler claustro sequa dictaminar las exequias martn pescador obstinarse marmreo halcn trocar tornasolado raspar

crush (in battle), defeat covet fox stroke, caress, pet [an idea: entertain] lay down, lie down, lean knickknack, trinket cane, staff bewitched fragile, brittle, crumbly rod, stick spikenard travel (all over) dress up, disguise (as), conceal celery cross, surmount, pass through/transplant inn hunchback chest, trunk flying ribbon, band scowl, frown/space between the eyebrows rascal mountain range chuckle hesitate, waver, falter stork silk savour, relish, taste dress coat, jacket sleeve inflate, swell, blow up hip hug, cling to; be too tight dislodge, (become) detach(ed) (come loose, come off) whipering [to whisper] square thick, dense impassive/unchanging, immutable changeable, mutable sword, pe

calm, rested observer festival, fair performer distribution coupling, fitting together suddenly pheasant goose scrutinize, gaze, scan fife MUSIC string instrument keep an eye on, watch MUSIC measure, beat, bar, rhthm basket hand (of a clock) needle (of a guage) judment, sentence (of a crime), maxim, saying discover that one is related to/ become related blink, wink, bat an eye to ready, set up, prepare maiden, damsel common blood-curdling, horrific, terrifying rise entelechy: ARIST condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized: actuality trap, snare desperate gather, amass sled scant, slender SHOE:tongue / MUS: reed/ARQ small brick wall brick lantern, lamp beak STORM/TRAGEDY worsen, intensify, grow stronger sight, spy, make out: "alcanzar a ver" stab tempt alter, transform sentinel FIRE stoke COLOR makebrighter DEBATE come alive/intensify, quicken

climb, scale to stretch (oneself) prick, sharp pain,puncture, pinch incessant, unceasing fist platitude, clich, neck stick into, hammer into brooch, pin determined cheek offer / give a toast whip, lash / sharp pain to go away, move away shake, beat difficult, labored / VOICE faltering, broken snout, nose startle, jump, start nave (cf: ingnu) tiredness suck in,up /absorb, soak up marrow, pith / "al tutano" to the core, to the marrow hold (in place, tight) / subdue, conquer produce, make, manufacture, develop petting heraldry step, stair, rung farm, country estate peach hide, conceal graze tapestry, wall-hanging, carpet sip basket escaped proscenium: The part of a theater stage in front of the curtain flock seagull oil, grease take refuge, shelter grotto, cave, cavern

shot (of a gun) sharp, biting (figurative--like a noise) coarse, rude brief, fleeting disturb, upset arrogance, pride, haughtiness pass, go by imprison design, plan keenness, sharpness, witty comment, high pitch dispense with, do without, manage without, get by without, disregard to put pressure on adj: ring-shaped / verb: annull, cancel, negate cell to hammer embed, inculcate horserider, cavalry, horseman saddle aleviate, relieve, soothe unease, anxiety, worry, discomfort skill, ability [think: dextrous] drip, drizzle, sprinkle (agua goteada con limn) lyricism hazy, misty lineage, stock deflate, lose air / lose heart, lose courage move away, abandon, sideline, separate heresy satiety, satiation disdain, disapproval, displeasure, indifference, offhand ridicule, derision (think: scorn) bead TAXIDERM stuff / dry, preserve to drive crazy skirmish, scuffle size up, weigh out, estimate, feel one's way charge, onslaught, assault conquer, yield, hand over stem from, be derived in remaining naivety

astonishment BOT shoot, sprout troops power, vitality, wealth colt, foal EQU to shoe weightlessness (think: antigravity) nip, nibble at, pinch slide, flow, glide hyaline: Having a glassy, translucent appearance coexist dust [polvo] rumination breath / encouragement change / be to the advantage or detriment of to blind to stick or pop out something once concealed charge (an army) "conjunto de ramas seperadas de los rboles" cualidad de vaco/nonsense, silliness to close, seal, block retreat throw, toss (think: launch) tie up or together / to link together/ lasso, rope / connect costume, fancy dress outfit defeat pat, slap, clap (think of an action involving the palm of the hand) shed / mess / riot / platform / ruse, riot, plan coldness rounded steppe (before a noun) thus: el abandono estaparioan abandonment in the steppes swallow, hold bac, choke back, put up with, return, give back edgy, uneasy, nervous golpear en un gong: to hit a gong brazen, shameless helmet / EQU hoof orderly, office boy, porter / ordinance, by-law agree, consent (think assent) predict, suppose, fancy oneself as "presumir de estar en el secreto" fancy yourself in on the secret skilled, able

velvet mortal / lethal, fatal, deadly foster, promote, empower, boost, improve (think potential as a verb frenzy unite, join, combine make dizzy, confuse, make one feel queezy (get queezy, become confused think:mar=sea:seasickness) become drunk, feel heady stab / sand or plane down: file campfire, bonfire alert, vigilant, attentive, watchful / pertaining to a guard or watchman burst pop, burst open, split skin, leather hesitating, waivering, faltering shivering, trembling, shaking roughness, harshness (think Dante: aspra e forte) cricket rub, smear, spread, / butter grease / bribe dew sign, signal notify, inform (nmpl) host (in a Miltonic army sense) full gallop : "huir tendido" flee at full gallop trap desist, cease, give up execute harness owl / hermit, loner incorrect/ impolite, discourteous slit, slice, cut untie, undo / unleash, spark off, provoke, give rise to split become indifferent breath, gentle breeze shine flow, gush, course, stream adapt, adjust / make onself comfortable singable crossroads, intersection stop, parade insignia, emblem, badge drag

lookout, watchtower city wall platform, stage relief, embossment hole nipple, teat romance (as in epic poetry) charge, recover, cash in, claim payment tear, rip return archer whip, lash, beat, /chastise, scold, castigate sprinkle, spray, douse, bedew bed (often in sense of lecho de muerte deathbed) / river-bed luxurious, opulent eddy, whirl, whirlpool, whirlwind / cowlick / disturbance, commotion / crowd, mass smoke, steam squeal, squeak, creak (an animal noise) recover, regain simultaneous descent, fall, drop grind, mill cloister / staff meeting drought / block (per creativity) to rule (as a jusry after cloister), pass judgment, mandate funeral rights kingfisher persist marmoreal: resembling marble falcon transform, turn into, exchange iridescent, full of different lights scrape, scrath, be rough, graze

Intro material LIMINAR acoger aplomo contenido (adj) la sierpe nadificar medida comedimiento zozobra asentar sobreponer anhelar avasallador(amente) dejar algo en prenda zapatero falo tardo proeza INTRODDUCIN oleada suscitar impar amistoso magisterio deleitoso risueamente pasto inagotable desdear someter depurar enjuiciamiento deudor fijeza sealadamente pasmoso amargura altivez

aval socio mayorita inestable aparatos colmo jaura bfido

Intro material Mara Zambrano receive composure, aplomb controlled serpent [coinage?] measurement courtesy anxiety place carefully superimpose yearn overwhelming(ly) leave as collateral cobbler phallus belated feat, achievement, exploit Cintio Vitier wave. Surge, crowd provoke, cause, give raise to adj: odd *mathematicallyimplying 'without another like him'+ friendly teacher delightful smilingly, cheerfully pasture inexhaustible, unending, unflagging, enquenchable scorn, disdain submit, subdue, put down, subjugate purge, purify, cleanse, dispel, clarify, distill, polish judgment debtor firmness especially, most notably amazing, astonishing grief, bitterness haughtiness, pride, arrogance

aval socio mayoritario inestable aparatosamente colmo jaura bfido

Capitulo 1 1 tule hurgar roncha surco abultarse encogerse portauela ropn muslo charco ahuyentar escarabajo 2 desesperarse desgrear azafata garzn retroceder pieza quema huida el afn el ordenanza espiral plancha movido jadear / jadeo acertar poro doblegar(se) vislumbrar hormiga len saltar por prestarse balbucear escarbar humeante regocijado golfo

sobresalto pedrea tapia lapidar costear empeo cisma aval socio mayoritario inestable aparatosamente colmo jaura bfido

Capitulo 1 tulle poke ones headin, rummage through, poke, stir up welt, hive (skin agitation) rut, furrow, groove, wrinkle engordarse, inflarse contraerse fly of pants "abrir la ~" robe thigh puddle, pool chase, banish beetle to despair, to become exasperated rumple hostess, female servant, stewardess waiter (injected with a sense of nobility from french garon) retreat, move back, step back piece, part, burning escape, flight eagerness, zeal office boy, porter, orderly spiral, helix, coil iron (appliance) sheet (of metal) grill, griddle blurred, rough, choppy, hectic, busy, lively (fiesta) pant / panting to guess correctly, get right, MANAGE TO [conseguir] hit pore, pinhole crushed, defeated, break (give in, cave in) make out, discern, glimpse, surmise, envisage antlion whose larva dig holes in the sand and catch prey that fall into them jump over, blow (as in an explosive blowing something into the air) volunteer, offer oneself, give onself, take part in stammer, stutter babble rummage, scratch up, dig around steaming, piping hot pleased, delighted good-for-nothing, rascal,

shock, fright stoning wall, fence to stone to finance effort, determination schism guarantee, backing, endorsement partner, associate, member of a club majority unstable, unsteady spectacularly, in an exaggerated manner overflow, last straw pack of hounds forked

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