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EX NO 1 A: IMPLEMENTATION OF SINGLY LINKED LIST AIM: to write a c program to implement the singly linked list ALGORITHM: Start The

Start The Program declare the functions and variables as structure declare the required functions as global functions declare the variables as integer data type and data type to get the values using switch case we can perform the following functions the list is created using void create() to insert an element from front,middle or end various functions are used to delete an element from front,middle or end various functions are used for search void search() function is used for display void display() function is used stop the program

OUTPUT: Linked List 1.create 2.Display 3.Insert 4.Delete 5.Exit Enter your choice:1 Enter the rollno:99 Linked List 1.create 2.Display 3.Insert 4.Delete 5.Exit Enter your choice:3 Enter the rollno:100 Enter the position: 2 Node is inserted Linked List 1.create 2.Display 3.Insert 4.Delete

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