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Iraq has approved the construction of a natural gas pipeline across its territor

y that will connect Iran Syria.

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This $10 billion project is designed to allow Iran export gas from the South Pa
rs field to Syria, Iraq as well as other markets.
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? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???????.
Iran hopes to export 25 milion cubic meter of natural gas to Iraq when the pipe
line is built, Pars News agency said.
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?????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ????.
Lebanon,jordan and EU members are among the countries Iran hope to export gas us
ing this pipeline.
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???? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ??? ?? ??
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Iran has the second biggest gas reservoir in the world following russia , and in
tends to increse it's production and export rate even though consumes most of it
's produce gas at the momment.

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