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Amazing Discoveries

Total Onslaught
by Professor Walter Veith

Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars Lecture Outline for

DVD #215

Amazing Discoveries

Total Onslaught Lecture Outline #215

Revolutions, Tyrants, & Wars

1.What did John see sitting on top of the scarlet colored beast? Revelation 17:3, I saw a _________ sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy.. NOTE: John sees a woman sitting on top of the scarlet colored beast. A woman in the Bible is a symbol of a church, and this woman is not faithful she is described later in the chapter as a harlot, a prostitute in other words. So, she is an unfaithful church that is riding the political systems of the world. So, we have a unfaithful church that is controlling the state. A church controlling the state, which by default is the bringing together of Church and State. 2.What is the aim of the Jesuit Order? ANSWER: At what then do the Jesuits aim? According to them, they only seek the greater glory of God; but if you examine the

facts you will find that they aim at universal dominion alone. They have rendered themselves indispensable to the Pope, who, without them, could not exist, because Catholicism is identified with them. They have rendered themselves indispensable to governors and hold revolutions in their hands; and in this way, either under one name or another, it is they who rule the world Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism, Luigi Desanctis, (London: D. Catt, 1905; translated by Maria Betts from the original Italian edition published as Roma Papale in 1865) p. 139. NOTE: You see, the papacy has crowned itself ruler of the entire world. The pope is the ruler of the entire world. Thats the holy Roman empire spread over the entire planet. 3.Did any notable people in U.S. History mention the Jesuit Order? ANSWER: In 1816 John Adams wrote to President Jefferson: Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers, and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyalas. The New Jesuits, George Riemer, (Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown, & Co., 1971) p. xiv Many writers warned of this Great Conspiracy of the Jesuits. Samuel Morse, the father of the Morse Code, was one of them. The preface of his great work, Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States, written in 1835 reads: The author undertakes to show that a conspiracy against the liberties of this Republic is now in full action, under the direction of the wily Prince Metternich of Austria, who knowing the

impossibility of obliterating this troublesome example of a great and free nation by force of arms, is attempting to accomplish his object through the agency of an army of Jesuits. The array of facts and arguments going to prove the existence of such a conspiracy, will astonish any man who opens the book with the same incredulity as we did. Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States, Samuel Morse, (Boston, Massachusetts: Crocker and Brewster, 1835) Vol. I, p. iv. President Abraham Lincoln The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon III, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free. Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1968; originally published in 1886) p. 499. This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to the popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Abraham Lincoln, 1865, 16th President of the United States, (Lincolns Private Letters, burned by his son Robert, restated by Charles Chiniquy). Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1968; originally published in 1886) p. 498. 4.What did Albert Pike write to Mazzini about concerning future world wars? ANSWER: Albert Pike letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated

August 15, 1871 in which he outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order. For a short time, this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London and it was copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy. (Others claim that the information reached Carr via another route: Commander William Guy Carr Quoted in Satan, Prince of This World.) The First World War: To overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia (protector of Orthodoxy) and bring about an atheistic communist state. The Second World War: To originate between Great Britain and Germany. To strengthen communism as antithesis to JudeoChristian culture and bring about a Zionist State in Israel. The Third World War: A Middle Eastern War involving Judaism and Islam and spreading internationally. References: Doc Marquis, Secrets of the Illuminati ; 5.What were the events that led up to these planned wars? ANSWER: 1770 Benjamin Franklin was elected Grand Master of the Nine Sisters lodge in Paris. 1771 - Grand Orient Masonry was founded in France. 1776 - Order of Perfectibilists or Illuminati was founded. The American Revolution starts. 1778 - Peter I founded the Secret Circle. 1785 - Grand Masonic Congress allegedly plotted the French Revolution. The Illuminati was banned in Bavaria and went underground. 1789 - The French Revolution. 1794 - Illuminist conspiracy to overthrow the Hapsburgs, monarchs of the Holy Roman Empire.

21 Feb. 1798 - Pope Pius VI is dethroned by Napoleon. His ring was torn from his finger and he died in exile. The Papacy received a mortal wound. 1804 - Pope Pius VII witnesses Napoleon crown himself Emperor. 1808 - Napoleon took the Vatican states. So Rome is diminishing. 1848 - Mazzini attacks Rome and Pope Pius IX is exiled, papal states are gone. 1854 - Pius IX proclaims the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary (1869 1870) - Pius IX summons the first Vatican Council in Rome. 13 July 1870 - Dogma of papal infallibility is published. 1928 - The Papal Nuncio in Germany, E. Pacelli, led the powerful Catholic Centre Party to the extreme right and helped to skyrocket Hitler to power. 1929 - Pius IX disbands the Catholic party, to consolidate Mussolinis regime and in return the Lateran Treaty and Concordat is signed. In the same year the Pope was crowned Sovereign Ruler of the World. Oct. 9, 1932 - In Yugoslavia the Utashi is founded and they assassinate King Alexander of Yugoslavia. 1941 - Croatia declares its independence. 6.Why would Napoleon want to overthrow the Papacy? ANSWER: Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleons conquest of Catholic Europe; [and] by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price of his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona. Emanuel M. Josephson, 1968, American Physician and Historian. The Federal Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers,

Emanuel M. Josephson, (New York: Chedney Press, 1968), p. 4,5. 7.What is the significance of the Washington Monument? ANSWER: Obelisks were originally erected in honor of the sun god. That connection comes from Egyptian worship of the Phallus. The phallus was a sculptured representation of the male organ of generation. The worship of it is said to have originated in Egypt. Osiris, the sun god [male] was killed by Typhon and cut up into 14 pieces. When Isis, the moon goddess, [wife to Osiris] heard this, searched and found all the parts of his body except his phallus. She buried all the parts and built a column [obelisk] as a symbol of his erected phallus, the missing part, and worshipped it. (E of F, p. 727; 769; 778, 779.) 8.From whom did the United States receive the Statue of Liberty? ANSWER: Towering above the shimmering but polluted waters, she holds in her outreached arm and hand a torch of fire and light. A gift of the Masonic Order, the modern inheritors of the Illuminati heritage, the Statue of Liberty was sculptured by Frederic Bartholdi, a member of the Masonic Lodge of AlsaceLorraine in Paris, France. The statue is significant to the secret societies plotting the New World Order. Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light (Austin, Texas: Living Truth Publishers, 1992), p. 212. 9.What took place in 1917, and did something very similar to it happen before? ANSWER: The Russian Revolution took place in 1917, and

yes it was very similar to the French Revolution which took approximately 120 years prior. Please take note of the striking similarities 1. Both revolutions were based on communist writings of Freemasons- Voltaire and Marx. (The Jesuits perfected communism on their reductions in Paraguay. 2. Both revolutions plundered the state churches. 3. Both revolutions ended the monarchies. Both the Bourbon and the Romanoff dynasties had expelled the Jesuits. 4. Both revolutions produced republics in form, but absolute monarchies in power. 5. Both revolutions declared atheism as the religion of the state. 6. Both revolutions carried out a reign of terror by an inquisitional secret police. 7. Both revolutions resulted in military dictators responsible for the elimination of dissenters. NOTE: Now lets have a look at the parallels between the Jesuits French and the Russian Revolutions. They work like this. Both revolutions were based on communist writings of Freemasons Voltaire and Marx. The Jesuits perfected communism on their reductions in Paraguay. So in Paraguay, they tested whether this would work or not, and perfected it there. 10.Who financed the Soviet Union? ANSWER: Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the

United States to Soviet industry and during the war. He said that about two-thirds of all the large industrial enterprise in the Soviet Union had built with the United States help or technical assistance. Extract from a report by Ambassador Harriman in Moscow to the State Department, June 30, 1944 NOTE: So who built the U.S.S.R? Who built it? The West. The West financed it and built it. 11.What did Adolf Hitler have to say about the Jesuit Order? ANSWER: I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical system of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party. The SS was constituted according to the Jesuit principles. Himmler, head of the SS, was closely associated with the Jesuits through his father and brother. Hitler said of him, I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyal. And Joseph Goebbels was also a trained Jesuit. NOTE: So, the two sides, who controls them both? The same parties. This is called, thesis and antithesis. Goebbels, Himmler, these people were Jesuits. They were fascists. 12.What regime does the Catholic Church agree with the most? ANSWER: Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome. Civilta Cattolica NOTE: Fascism has one central leader. You see, pope, eventually, one central leader. One central leader, total control over the people, yet the people believe that they are free, because they are getting everything that they require. Unlike Communism, they may have property rights, but the property rights are qualified.

13.What is the philosophy of Hegelianism? ANSWER: The operational history of The Order can only be understood within a framework of Hegelian dialectic process. From this axiom it follows that controlled conflict can create a predetermined historyThe synthesis, sought by the Establishment is called the New World Order. Without controlled conflict, this New World Order will not come about. Random individual actions of persons in society would not lad to this synthesis, its artificial, therefore it has to be created. NOTE: So you hear about a war here and a war there, a revolution here and a revolution there. Revolutions have to be financed. You never hear where the money comes from to finance them. 14.What eye-opening statement did President Woodrow Wilson make about hidden agendas? ANSWER: Some of the biggest men in the U.S. in the fields of commerce and manufacturing know, that there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. NOTE: Evidently, he knew that someone else was pulling the strings behind the scenes. 15.What does a Jesuit swear to do, even to those whom he or she is close to? ANSWER: Remember that Loyola said, Finally, - let all with such artfulness gain the ascendant over princes, nobleman, and the magistrates of every place, that they may be ready at our beck, even to sacrifice their nearest relations and most intimate


friends, when we say it is for our interest and advantage. 16. In 1987, what advice did President Ronald Reagan give in regards to the pope? ANSWER: As you exhort us we will listen. For with all our hearts we yearn to make this good land better still. The Pope is quoted as saying: I come as a friend- a friend of American and of all Americans: Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, and Jews, people of all religions and all men and women of good will. 17.What are secular journalists now deducing about the United States of America? ANSWER: Here Girard Newkirk states: Over the last two decades, in particular during the Reagan years and the last two of George W, the United States is looking less like a democracy and more like a highly evolved fascist creature. Devoid of the idiosyncrasies and shortcomings of its progenitors, this form of Fascism has a propaganda machine that is unarguably the most efficient the world has ever seen. 18.In light of this information what are we to do in response? Revelation 18:4, And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, _____ ___of ____, ____ _______, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.


MY DECISION FOR JESUS I see that once again what we always hear from the media outlets is not always the truth. I see according to Bible Prophecy, that yes there is a church, a corrupt one, that is riding the political powers of this earth, and that she is marshalling them into conflict in order to bring them all back together in a unity of peace. I also understand that the people involved in this system are not corrupt, but the system is at fault. Many millions are faithful to Jesus, and are awaiting to hear this message of warning given in love. Are you also willing to heed that call and come of out of the web of religious confusion in these last days? Are you willing to commit your life to Jesus today? Yes or No




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