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If I dont believe in you, do you exist?

An objective reality cannot exist without somebody perceiving it.If you believe it
still exists independent of your perception,you may do so but that is only a
belief and hence is subjective. It is therefore safe to presume that nothing
exists without our perceiving that it exists. The question that arises is whether
a reality has necessarily to exist if we believe it exists.By way of example ,I
believe ghosts and gnomes exist and does that mean they exist as an objective
reality ? No.Additional conditions apply .Verifiability of the evidence suggesting
their existence should possibly be one of the conditions. Of course one would ask
what we mean by verifiability.Suppose there is a mountain near the horizon and
everybody's perception and everything else points to the possibility of its
existing. Which means the sensory impressions of all the people with respect to
the object tally in all respects. We may therefore conclude the mountain exists.
The unanswered question is whether several assessments tallying with one other and
based upon "physical verifiability" make the mountain an objective reality . Since
we cannot separate our consciousness from what we perceive outside of ourselves
the only way of verifying the existence of the objective reality is to cease to be
the experiencer and become a part of the experienced.

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