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Given the following code, how many objects are created?

{String s = new string abc; string s1 = new string def; s = s1; } After changing the object that s refers to, can you access the now unreferenced object? What are exceptions? What are errors? Are exceptions errors? Name some common exceptions. How do you handle exceptions? How do you run code that must be run regardless of whether an exception is found ? How would you handle multiple exceptions of different types? How precisely would you construct the catch blocks? What is the most generic exception? What is a thread? How do you create a thread? Have you had any experience with deadlocking? How do you use weblogic to talk to a database? have you ever worked with JMS? How do you generally write an application to communicate with JMS? what is polymorphism? what are the different types of polymorphism? What is connection pooling? How does the application know how many users are using resource? What happens if too many people use a resource, (i.e. you create more connection s than the connection pool)? What are the different joins in Oracle? What is an outer join? Have you handled security in a Web Service? Difference between HashTable and HashMap? What is a collection?

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