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Those who are concerned with protecting the environment often use the words conservation and preservation. When talk about environment, there is a lot of importance that we can get. Conservation is the sustainable use and management of natural resources including wildlife, water, air, and earth deposits. There is a lot of importance when we conserve our environment.

THE IMPORTANCE OF CONSERVING THE ENVIRONMENT: 1. To minimizing the negative impacts caused by environmental problems. 2. To reduce our carbon footprint. 3. Protect our environment. 4. To saving energy. 5. To find as many new kinds of renewable energy. 6. To maintaining biodiversity. 7. To controlling and reducing environment pollution. 8. To reduce consumption of water. 9. To reduce domestic and industrial waste product. 10. To ensure that the trees are not consumed faster than they can be replace. 11. To ensure that the sufficient quantities are maintained for future generation to utilize.

12. To provide food stores for local population and a source of timber and medicine for our country and others. 13. To eliminate or reduce the use of products that require cutting down of forest. 14. To reduce or recycle by product generated by our activities.


Preservation, in contrast to conservation, attempts to maintain in their present condition areas of the Earth that are so far untouched by humans. This is due to the concern that mankind is encroaching onto the environment at such a rate that many untamed landscapes are being given over to farming, industry, housing, tourism and other human developments, and that we our losing too much of what is 'natural'. There are a lot of importance of conserving our environment. Some of the importance are:

IMPORTANCE OF PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT: 1. To support the protection of nature for purely human centred reasons. 2. To maintain the present condition area of the Earth that are so for untouched by humans. 3. To adopt a less-human-centred approach to environment protection. 4. To protect the additional nature. 5. To improve the soil health. 6. To maintain the beauty of Earth, so that our children and grandchildren can see it. 7. To protect the habitat for wildlife. 8. To perpetuate the ecosystem. 9. To minimize the using of chemicals pesticide. 10. To saving the rainforest. 11. To placing the a value on nature.

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