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0 TS we UNITED STATES Qe 3 @ Memorandum to. : DIRECTOR, FBI (199-44 £996) pate: 4/1/68 7 — i rrom : I) SAS, RICHMOND (195-5096) P veo suayect: “ COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PROGRAM —- BIACK NATIONALIST ~ HATE GROUPS RACIAL INTELLIGENCE ReBureauairtel to Albany, 3/4/6€. / 1, QI «2s been ossirnes to coordinate captioned prograa for the Richmond Division. / 2, |The only Black Nationalist Movement known to exist in the | chmond territory is the Nation of Islem (NOI). This organt- zation consists of one Mosque (Mukemmad Mosque #24) in the City of Richsond, with ahout 35 hard-core members, € of whom are i officers. This Mosque holés reqular weekly meetings. It should be pointed out that in 1957, when the NOI was formed ! in the Richmond erea, St had approximately 75 to © members. ‘This menbership figure remained fairly constant for the next ae to five years efter which a steady decline in membership began j.; and is continuinc todoy. a It 1s a1s9 noted that tne Richmond Office has informant coverage of this orranizetion and throurh its informants and other sources; hes determined that the NOI in Richmond is a non-militant bleck i nationalist eroup. Richmond KOI members are constantly taught to avoid all forms of violence and to use force only to defend oneself and ther only when absolutely necessary. Any infraction of this rule results in the guilty member being suspended. The members of Muhammad Mosque #24 generally have little school- ing end hold menial Jobs such as porters, etc. About one-third of the current members are unskilled farmers from the suburbs, Richmond. The Richmond Office knows of no member of this Mosque who possesses the potential to be a rabble-rouser. cordingly, Richmond be¥ieves that the Richunnd NOI's pro} ve for violence is low. ye a0 REC 4 “et i 1 ‘sve CAMTATIED, Bureou (RI) foes “12 APR & 1968 RH 105-5996 he Richmond Division does not have any milstant black natipnal- rts on its Agitator Index. The Richmond Division knows offno litant biack nationalist leaders within its territory who ~.-~ hve a progensity for violence. 3. As set forth in parazreph 2 above, Richmond knows of no nizations and individuals ‘within its territory that should be considered for current counterintelligence action under the present stendards of this propram. It in noted that Richwond 1s constantly on the alert for information revardin; militant orranizations. Intensive efforts have recently been undertaken to aevel ro ratial {nformants in order ts assure Richiond 15 cornizant of the formation of any militant black cro: additional coveranze in the KOI and Kecro ghetto-type areas. 4, Riennond believes that one of the best ways to thwart the efforts of militent blac: nationalist crovps and individuals is to discredit them. In this regard it is felt that the offices of origin on said ¢roups and individuals should fully lop and furnish to interested offices any Sergcatory | aeons ‘on developed 50 that this inforistion can be "released" to pus mown usdiay Sntormante and courees.” By trelsssing" Geroratory data prior to @ speech or appearance of a militant would assist in planting the seed of distrust and thereby Sininish the militants’ effect. 5. Since Richmond has nat been in a position to have first-hand experience jn invortieatin: any of fiel6 militant, terrets of this provran, it {s not in a position to furnish other than cencr2i type surcestions for counterintelligence action. However, inasmeh as the Bureau does not desire ceneral sucres- tions, none will be submitted herewith. In view of the {information set, out shove, on a UACB basis, Richuond will nat svtait a 90-day pronress letter sv HT 105-5906 l proposed counterintellizence operations, operations effected and tanjtihle results. In lieu thereor, Richwond will submit a 59-Aay letter on the dates desicnated in re Busirtel, which vill advise the Bureau of the results of Richmond's efforts to identify any militent black organizations and/or individuals within the Richmond territory. ShouJd any such orcaniation and/or individuals be 1dentified, Richmond will propose appropriste covnterintellivence operations for Bureou epprovol.

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