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How can the teacher/ school/ parent support the students' self-efficacy?

Mastery Experiences
In order for students to prosper, they must have experiences that make them more capable of handling various situations. Mastery Experiences provide students with the most efficient way of gaining self-efficacy. Successful performance accomplishments provide the most authentic evidence of whether one can bring about success.

Vicarious Experience
"If they can do it, I can do it as well." When we see someone succeeding, our own self-efficacy increases; where we see people failing, our self-efficacy decreases.

Verbal and Social Persuasion

People are led to believe they can successfully accomplish a task or behaviour through the use of suggestion, or self-instruction.

Physiological and Affective States

The individual's physiological or emotional states influence self-efficacy judgments with respect to specific tasks. Emotional reactions to such tasks (e.g., anxiety) can lead to negative judgments of one's ability to complete the tasks.

What is self-Regulated learning?

1. Self-regulation is an integrated learning process, consisting of the development of a set of constructive behaviours that affect one's learning. 2. Self-directive process by which learners transform their mental abilities into academic skills. 3. Self-regulation of learning involves more than detailed knowledge of a skill; it involves the selfawareness, self-motivation, and behavioural skill to implement that knowledge appropriately. 4. Self-regulation is not a trait that some students have and others do not. It involves the selective use of specific processes that must be personally adapted to each learning task. 5. Self-regulated learning (SRL) refers to some rather specific ways that learners take control of their own learning. 6. Self-regulated learning is a process that is learned as one matures; starting from socially regulated learning, to co regulated learning and finally to self-regulated learning as one matures.

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