To Madoka and Back Written by Tamara Matechuk

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To Madoka and Back Written by Tamara Matechuk

Fade In: EXT. EARTH-LIKE PLANET; FOREST - DAY A groggy and dazed ALEX slowly wakes, lying face down in the dirt. Carefully he gets to his feet and examines his imeediate surroundings. The landscape is similar to that of Earth with vegetation surrounding him and possible mountains in the horizon. ALEX Hello? The bushes behind him rusttle, startling him. He is soon joined by a medium sized dog. ALEX (CONT'D) Oh, great. Scram ya mangy mutt! HE kicks dirt at SITKA, who scampers back a bit. Alex turns and starts walking away but realizes he's being followed by the dog. ALEX (CONT'D) Didn't I tell you to go away? SITKA Would you rather get lost in an unknown forest on your own? Alex stars at HER, startled and bewildered that a dog can talk ALEX Wha-what did you say? SITKA I asked if you would rather get lost on your own. If not, I'm sure I could help you find your way out. ALEX (Still stunned Uh. Sure? Above them, the sky is lut up with what looks like the Northern lights as they head in a North direction. THE DAYLIGHT STARTS TO FADE AS THEY MAKE THEIR WAY THROUGH THE FOREST. ALEX (CONT'D) Well, whatcha think?

2. Sitka sits and scratches her ear absent mindedly. SITKA I try to think as little as possible. Too much effort is required. ALEX (Rolls his eyes.) I meant about our situation. Any idea where we are? SITKA New Jersey. ALEX I don't think we're in Jersey... SITKA (Sniffs the air) Hmm. I think you're right. Definitely not Jersey. California maybe. Alex inspects a leaf from a bush closely, only to jump away when it tries to stab his hand. ALEX I don't think we're even on Earth. THE PAIR CONTINUE TO MOVE CAUTIOUSLY FORWARD IN RELATIVE SILENCE, HOPING TO FIND CLUES ABOUT WHERE THEY MIGHT BE. THE VEGETATION IS DISCOLORED: INSTEAD OF GREEN LEAVES, THEY'RE PURPLE WITH BLUE BARK ON THE TREES. Off to the left the bushes rustle and cause Sitka to stop SITKA What was that? ALEX what was what? SITKA (Resumes walking tentatively) That sound. Didn't you hear it? ALEX Nope. Don't hear anything other than an annoying dog yapping at me.

3. SITKA How could you miss it? It was just over there! listen. (More rustling.) There it is again! ALEX (Stops walking and looks at Sitka) Do I have ears like yours? No. Are my ears sensitive to long distance hearing. No. So no, I don't hear whatever the hell it is you're hearing. SITKA Hey-y-y. There is nothing wrong with having ears like mine! Sitka lies on the ground, whining, trying to hide her ears under paws slightly offended by the idea that there may be something wrong with her ears. ALEX I didn't say there was. (Pause) So, when did you learn to talk? SITKA Hmph. I've always known how to talk. I think a better question is, when did you learn to listen? ALEX Whatever. You know what? Maybe I'm dreaming and I've been wasting my time walking around here. Or maybe I hit my head when I stumbled off the bus... (Pauses) That would definitely explain the weird plants... SITKA Or maybe you've finally snapped and only think you're wandering around this forest with a talking dog. ALEX Fuck you. Stupid dog, I haven't lost my mind. SITKA stands and growls menacingly at the insult.

4. SITKA I am not a stupiThe sound of intense rustling from near-by bushes cause Sitka and Alex to turn their attentions away from the argument. ALEX What was that? SITKA Oh, so now yu hear it. Maybe it's a welcome party to come greet you with open arms and their finest women. ALEX Are you always this sarcastic? SITKA My mother said it was one of my better traits. The pair soon find themselves surrounded by what appears to be a medieval hunting parting holding high-tech bows and other weaponry. SITKA (CONT'D) (Cowering and growling) Something tells me they aren't part of the welcome wagon. EXT. COURTYARD - NIGHT Alex stumbles forward from being pushed from behind towards a group of knight-like figures standing on the outside of a training ring. Sitka remains close, cowering from the weapons but growling softly ALEX Ow. Stop pushing would ya. I know how to - Woah. Alex stops, staring in admiration and shock at the estate behind the training ring. He is pushed forward again, this time tripping over Sitka and falling to the ground not far from the fence. Inside the ring, two individuals practice sword play. On the far side is a feminine figure. AKIKO What is this? A woman dressed in black armour approaches the group. At

5. first glance she looks like a simple black haired woman but upon closer inspection, she has two ears covered in black fur and a swaying black fox-like tail. AKIKO (CONT'D) I say again: What is this? She motions to Alex as he gets to his feet and brushes himself off. AKIKO (CONT'D) (To the lead hunter in the group) You dare bring this filthy outsider to my estate? I should have your head on a spike. (She looks at Sitka And you, such a disgrace of a creature. Walking on all fours like some slave to this demon. You bring shame to our family. Sitka growls and bares her teeth in offense, standing between AKIKO and Alex, though still crouching low to the ground. HUNTER B-b-but Mistress Akiko. You said if we found anything unusual that we were to bring it back to you immediately. The men and I thoughtAKIKO Silence! Akiko examines Alex closely, her bushy tail twitching in thought as she scrutinizes him, ignoring the warning growls from Sitka before taking a stop back. AKIKO (CONT'D) What is your name, demon? ALEX Mine or... He looks at Sitka in confusion but soon realizes the woman is talking to him. ALEX (CONT'D) Oh, uh. Alexander Marchoviche (A pause) She's Sitka.

6. AKIKO I didn't ask for her name. Though if I had, I would have addressed her directly. You have no control over our kind here demon and thus have no right to speak for her. ALEX Right... Would you mind telling me where I am? I'm begining to feel like I should be at Comic-Con in Seattle or something. Akiko regards him in silence for a moment before turning away and heading towards the estate entrance on the other side of the training ring. AKIKO If you can defeat the hunter that brought you here in hand-to-hand combat by the time I return, I will consider answering some of your questions. (Turns to Sitka) Come cousin, we have much to discuss. Sitka and Akiko exit through the estate doors. The hunter and Alex simply stare at each other for a long moment. Mencingly, the hunter advances towards Alex. A fight ensues between the two men. Alex finds himself being out-wrestled by the skilled hunter but after a couple cheap shots, is able to choke the man out. Akiko and Sitka return, Alex is sitting on the stairs and the hunter is sprawled out on the ground. Both are visibally wounded. Sitka stays with Alex as Akiko checks the condition of the fallen hunter. AKIKO (CONT'D) You didn't kill him. ALEX You never said I had to kill him, only beat him. Which, by the looks of things, I accomplished. Now will you answer my questions? AKIKO Didn't I? Well, now I'm telling you. Kill him.

7. Akiko grabs a sword from a nearby weapons rack and carries it over to Alex, shoving the hilt into his hands. ALEX You, want me, to kill him? What in the hell for? I'll agree the guy is bit of a dick but that doesn't justify killing him. AKIKO (Rests her hand on his shoulder) Let me put it this way for you: if you don't kill him, I'll take that sword and gut you myself. The choice is yours. Alex hesitates then finally gets up, draggin the sword over to the recovering hunter. He glances over at Akiko and Sitka, pleading expression not to make him do it. Akiko stands, waiting impatiently. ALEX I'm so sorry... Alex lifts the sword with some difficulty but drives it through the chest of the hunter, turning away in disgust. Pulling the sword out, he throws it on the ground. AKIKO Very good. Now, come in and we may talk. Akiko enter's the estate. Alex heads up the estate stairs with Sitka by his side, obviously disgusted with himself for going through with the threat. SITKA Chin up champ. Maybe she'll give you a cookie for being a good boy. ALEX Your humor is so poorly timed. SITKA I'm trying to lighten the mood here but you're killing me. INT. DRAWING ROOM - NIGHT Alex and Sitka enter the drawing room of the estate, a well lit, spacious area similar to that expected of a posh living. Sitka takes a spot on a love-seat, curling up.

8. AKIKO Please, have a seat. Would you like some tea? ALEX Do you always offer tea to the people you blackmail into killing others? AKIKO It's a simple question made out common courtsey. My my you're a moody young man.I would have expected someone of your profession to be a little more, open-minded. Taking a seat in an over-stuffed chair, Alex watches Akiko closely. ALEX My profession? AKIKO As a theif. Surely you have had some run-in's that would have provoked a physical reaction to protect yourself. (Glancing at Sitka) Not too swift is he? SITKA He isn't much of a fighter. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten sick yet over having to kill someone. ALEX Hey, I'm sitting right here. (Pause.) I'm a fighter when I have to be, pretty sure I proved that already, and I'm not normally squeamish. AKIKO Well you'd best get used to it if you plan on surviving aroALEX I don't plan on sticking around here long. Look, are you going to answer my questions or not?

9. AKIKO (Sighs) Oh alright. Allow me to explain. My name is Akiko Takahashi, Mistress of Kitsumi Estate and one of six nobles located on Madoka. ALEX And that guy you made me kill? AKIKO Just a pawn in the game of life.Don't worry yourself about him Demon. ALEX (Shifting uncomfortably) Well that answers one question, about where I am... Why do you insist on calling me a devil? I have a name you know. SITKA She's called you a Demon, not a devil. Small difference, keep your ears open. ALEX (Groans) Whatever. Would you please just tell me why I'm here? AKIKO So impatient. The kettel starts to whistle andAkiko raises from her spot beside Sitka to pour the water for tea. Straining the tea leaves, she tests it before nodding and placing a cup in front of Alex and sitting back down. AKIKO (CONT'D) You are a demon because you are not from one of the other nobel houses, this I know even if you look like one. However, your appearance is mysterious, leaving that as the only other option. Does that make sense to you? Alex sits in thought, quiet for a long moment, taking in the information he's gathered so far. Sitka remains curled by Akiko on the sofa while getting her ears scratched.

10. ALEX Makes sense. AKIKO Good. In that case, I have another request to ask from you and Ms. Sitka. ALEX Another murder? AKIKO I should certainly hope not. No, I need you to retrieve something for me from one of the other house. Consider it a game we play between nobels. A small statuette was taken from me not that long ago and would like it back. ALEX So you want me to go steal something for you? (Starts to stand.) Look, lady I gave that up alright. I don't steal other peoples stuff anymore. AKIKO Sit down! Please. I'm not done. I'm simply asking you to retrieve an item that was stolen from me. That is how the game is played. theft and retrieval. No killings. ALEX (Sits back down.) And why should I do this for you? What's in it for me? More attempted blackmail? AKIKO (Sips her tea.) No, but if you wish to have a place to rest your head at night and a scheduled feeding, you may as well make yourself useful to me. Otherwise you may find yourself scournging in the wilds. (She stands, setting her tea cup down.) I will even allow you and Ms. Sitka the opportunity to discuss it tonight and give me your answer in the morning. Does that sound (MORE)

11. AKIKO (CONT'D) fair to you Mr. Marchoviche? Who knows, maybe you'll even find your way back home. ALEX (Startled expression at the mention of going home.) Uh. Yeah, sure. Sounds fair. AKIKO Very good. I await yoru answer in the morning. Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have duties to attend to before sleep. Akiko exits, leaving Alex and Sitka. Alex remains sitting in shock for a moment, muttering things about home. Finally he shakes his head and stands up, stretching the sore muscles from the long day. ALEX I know you try to avoid too much thinking but I gotta ask: what the hell was that all about? Do you think this is a good idea? SITKA Let me ask you this: don't you ever get tired of asking a girl, no, a dog, for her opinion? If you really want it though, I'd take her up on the offer. Just keep in mind a vixen can be as dangerous and mischevious as she is beautiful. ALEX (Frowns.) You sound like my sister. Sitka gets up and hops off the couch, stretching and shaking out her fur. SITKA Come on demon, lets go find us a guest room. I'm bushed. ALEX (Heading towards the door.) Don't get too used to calling me demon. As soon as I'm able, I'm finding a way off this backwards plant and back to Earth where I (MORE)

12. ALEX (CONT'D) can't be sassed by a dog every chance it gets. A HOSPITAL IN THE STATE OF ALABAMA, A YOUNG MAN IS LAYING ON A BED HOOKED UP TO VARIOUS MONITORING MACHINES AND WATCHED BY A WOMAN AND DOCTOR. INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY - DAY MOTHER Isn't there anything we can do to snap him out of it doctor? DR. COBB (Shakes his head.) I'm afraid not Mrs. Marchoviche. It seems the news of his sister's death so close to the disapperance of his father sent him into shock. His scans come back with normal activity however, much like if he was say, awake in a dream. MOTHER Oh, my poor Alex... DR. COBB If I may, I'd like to ask you some questions about any possible sleep disorders in the family... MADOKA, MORNING FOLLOWING THE CONVERSATION IN THE DRAWING ROOM. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Alex and Sitka enter, looking refreshed. Alex's clothes are still torn and dirty from the day before. ALEX Man am I hungry. Do you think that fox chick, Akiko, has anything to eat around here? SITKA Can't hurt to look around. I'm a bit hungry myself Sitka start's sniffing around the bottom cupboards, not picking up on the scent of anything before checking the crude looking fridge.

13. SITKA (CONT'D) Hey, I think there's something in here. Come give me a hand opening it. Alex approaches the fridge door and opens it a crack, only to quickly slam it shut again as the smell of rotted meat permeates the air. Covering his face and trying not to gag, he stumbles backwards into a table. Sitka too is trying to protect her sensitive nose from the putrid smell. ALEX (Coughing.) Holy crap. Hasn't anyone here heard the rule that you're supposed to clean your fridge out once a week. Shit. SITKA I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling so hungry anymore. Quietly Akiko appears in the doorway wearing a simple kimono, watching the duo curiously. SITKA (CONT'D) Come on. Lets get out of here before the stentch kills us both. AKIKO Hungry? Alex and Sitka freeze, Alex still covering his face with his hand trying to keep the stentch out of his nose. ALEX Uh, a little. We didn't have anything to eat last night and thought maybe there was something laying around to tide us over. AKIKO I don't normally keep food at the estate. Either I go out or I hunt it myself as I need it. (Pause.) Follow me. There's an inn with food I think you'll like not to far from here. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Following Akiko out of the estate and towards a worn country

14. road, Alex works on trying to make his clothes a little more presentable. A little ways down the road, the silence starts to get to Alex. ALEX You walk this all the time? No wonder you're so fit. Akiko looks at Alex with disdain. ALEX (CONT'D) Not much for small talk huh? Alright. How about you tell me about this theft job you want done. What exactly do I have to do? AKIKO It is a very basic job. Get into the estate, find my statuette and get out then bring it back to me. No one knows, no one gets hurt. Simple enough for you? ALEX I guess. Just one more question: how do you know so much about me, but I know nothing about you, or your world? It's kinda creepin' me out to be honest. AKIKO (Smirks.) I think that is a subject you should take up with Sitka. Perhapse you can bombard her with questions on your little journey together. Off to the right, an old English style country inn starts to appear. AKIKO (CONT'D) And here we are. Go on inside, I have business to attend to at the stables. If anyone asks, you're with me and to just put it on my tab as I doubt you have anything of monetary use on you. ALEX Hey! Wait! How do we know what we're looking for?

15. AKIKO Sitka will know. Trust her. Akiko heads for the stables behind the inn and out of view while Alex and Sitka enter in through the front. INT. COUNTRY PUB - DAY They head for a quiet table near the back. A waitress, a young woman similar to Akiko but with cat ears and tail approach to take their orders. Alex looks around, noticing other humans like him as well as others like Akiko. There's a long silence until after waitress returns with their orders. ALEX So, you know what's going on then? Sitka chews on her bone, refusing to answer. ALEX (CONT'D) Sitka, please. I need to know what's going on so I can get home. How does she know so much about me? It's like my mom but a lot creepier. Sitka continues to ignore the question, focusing all her attention on the bone, making sure it's picked clean. ALEX (CONT'D) Sitka... SITKA Does it really matter Alex? You're here, I'm here. Maybe she is some magically altered version of mom. Can we just drop it and go get the stupid statuette. ALEX Mom? You mean, my mom? SITKA Yes, yes. Your mom. Frig boy, when did you become so needy. ALEX You know, you're really starting to piss me off. You wanted to know why I keep asking your opinion on shit and it's because out of the (MORE)

16. ALEX (CONT'D) two of us, you seem to be the only one who knows what the hell is going on! (Slams a fist on the table.) Now stop acting like my sister and fill me in! Sitka stands up and shakes her fur out. SITKA Fine. You want answers? Let's go then. I'll help you find your answers but do us both a favor alright? Stop acting like a damned two year old! Picking up her bone, Sitka leads the way out of the Inn, a frustrated Alex following. EXT. COUNTRY INN/PUB - DAY Sitka digs a shallow hole and puts the bone inside then covers it up before continuing down the road they had travled from Akiko's estate. ALEX Hey! Where ya going? I thought the estate was back this way? SITKA Akiko's estate. That's not where we're going though. Come on demon! Hop to it if you want answers. With a frustrated cry, Alex takes off to catch up with Sitka. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD/ENTRANCE TO THICK FOREST - DAY They pause at the mouth of the forest, Alex staring at it uncertainly. ALEX You sure was a good idea to just head off down the road without getting some sort of equipment from Akiko? SITKA Not like you can swing a sword anyways. As long as we keep moving we'll be okay. We should be on the otherside of the forest by night fall. Just, if I tell you to do (MORE)

17. SITKA (CONT'D) something, do it no questions asked. Okay? ALEX Yes "mom". (Pause.) So, you're sure that by doing this little errand for the fox, I'll find the answers to all my questions and my way home? SITKA I promise. Though you may not like the answers you get. INT. THICK FOREST - DAY The thick, tall trees block out most of the light, giving the forest an eerie, unwelcoming feel. Alex and Sitka travel in silence. About three-quarters of the way through, something catches Sitka's attention, putting her on high alert. SITKA You a fast runner? ALEX Pretty fast, why? SITKA Be ready to run when I tell you to. The sharp sound of a howl echo's through the dark forest, answered by another and the sound of rustling bushes and tress. Slowly, large wolves start stepping out of the shadows blocking the path the pair had just come from. Snarly defensively, Sitka starts herding Alex in the direction of the exit, keeping an eye on the advancing wolves. SITKA (CONT'D) Run. Now. And don't stop until you see a house. There's someone there that'll help you. ALEX How do youSITKA Just do it! Trust me. Alex hesitates briefly, bolting as a wolf lunges forward.

18. The sounds of a dog fight echo through the forest as Alex sprints towards the forest exit. Heavy paws slap the ground in pursuit.In the distance, the light from the outside is visible. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Exiting the forest, Alex narrowly escapes the snapping of jaws. In the short distance, a house starts forming with smoke coming out of the chimney. Alex heads for the front door. ALEX Help! Somebody help me please! Alex pounds on the door before turning to face the giant wolf that has him cornered. ALEX (CONT'D) Oh sweet jesus, someone save me... The door swings inward, causing Alex to fall backwards to the floor. His face goes slack in surprise. ALEX (CONT'D) Dad! INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY The hosptial room from earlier. Alex remains hooked up to various monitoring devices. In the hallway, his mother and DR. COBB are dicussing the family's history with sleep disorders. ALEX (Sitting up in bed.) Dad! ... Dad? Dr. Cobb and Alex's mother enter the room hearing Alex's shouts. MOTHER (Rushing to his side.) Oh Alex! Thank God you're okay! You had me so worried. Don't ever scare me like that again? ALEX Mom? What are you doing here? Where am I? Where's dad? (He glances at Dr. Cobb.) Who's the would-be scientist?

19. DR. COBB My name is Dr. Cobb. You're at the hospital not far from your hometown. You were brought in after you collapsed getting off the bus. Alex stares at the doctor in disbelief, gazing around the hospital room. ALEX I want to go home. DR. COBB I understand that but I'm afraid that may not be possible at the moment. For your benefit, I would like to keep you for one more night, just so we can be sure there was no brain damage done when your head hit the ground. ALEX No. I'm going home. I'm fine and if anything goes wrong, she can bring me back. Alex stands up and looks around for his regular clothes. Checking the closet, he grabs them and goes into the bathroom to change out of the hospital gown, ignoring the doctors disapproving look. DR. COBB I really must insist you remain in our care for at least another day. ALEX I'm going home for a hot meal and a shower and clean clothes. You going to try and hold me against my will doctor? They have a stare down but Dr. Cobb finally relents, letting Alex and his mother leave so Alex can check himself out of the hospital. INT. BASIC KITCHEN - NIGHT Alex sits at the kitchen table of his mother's house while she prepares dinner for them. ALEX So, how long was I out for?

20. MOTHER Long enough to cause concern for the doctors and myself. We though you might have been in a coma. ALEX Aren't you the helpful one. A day? Two days? MOTHER About three or four days I suppose. Why? ALEX Just curious. Glad to know I didn't miss anything to important in my unexpected leave. (Enter Sitka.) When did you get a dog? MOTHER Hmm? Oh, her? she showed up not long after your... Not long after you were admitted to the hosptial. ALEX (Scratching her ears.) So she's a stray? MOTHER I guess so. Why? I thought you didn't like dogs. Always calling 'em mangy mutts and the like. ALEX Christine liked them. Can we keep her? MOTHER If you want, but you'll have to take care of her, but don't go acting all heart broken when the owner shows up claming you stole their dog. ALEX If she's a stray, I don't think anyones gonna think I stole her. Alex scratches Sitka's ears and neck, feeling a thin metal chain clipped around her neck like a necklace.

21. MOTHER (Turns from the stove to look at Alex. I said, if you want to keep you'll have to take care of That includes cleaning up the after her and giving her

Like her, her. yard name.

ALEX Mom, I'm not a kid anymore. I know how to take care of an animal. Alex pauses, fingering the thin chain and thinking about a name. He looks the dog over briefly, noticing apparent battle wounds on her muzzle and shoulders. MOTHER Ha! Oh yeah, you can take care of an animal alright. Just like you took care of yourself eh? That's why you were moving back home when you got that call. ALEX (Rolling his eyes.) How about Sitka? A strong name for a strong girl. MOTHER Sitka sounds fine. Now send her away from here so we can have dinner. I won't have a begging pooch living in my house. Sitka exists the kitchen leaving Alex and his mother to eat in peace. ALEX I saw dad. MOTHER What do you mean you "saw dad? When you were knocked out cold? ALEX No.. Well, yeah. Remember how he always said he was from somewhere else? I think I found it. That other place. Maybe Christine is there too. MOTHER Alex, honey. Your father and sister are gone. You were dreaming (MORE)

22. MOTHER (CONT'D) that you saw them. The doctor said... ALEX I swear on my life I saw him though. It wasn't just a dream. Look at my clothes MOTHER Enough! Please, enough talk about this nonsense. Your father was ill in the head and he left us. Your sister, bless her soul, is dead. You're all I have left so don't you start on thinking about leaving me too! (She stands.) Now, why don't you go get cleaned up. Have a nice hot shower and we'll sit down for a nice desert and maybe a movie. ALEX But! MOTHER No buts! ALEX Fine, whatever. You never believed dad, why would you believe me. Alex leaves the kitchen in a huff. His mother leans against the sink for support, overwhelmed with emotions. Alex heads up to his old room. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Entering his bedroom, he notices it hasn't changed much since he left after graduation. Old band posters still hang on the walls and the beding looks the same though has been kept washed. Alex sits on the edge of the bed, head in his hands when Sitka enters and jumps up beside him. ALEX She must think I'm nuts. But I'm not. I know I'm not, if I could just get back to Madoka, I could prove it.

23. He sighs and rubs Sitka's neck, his fingers brushing the chain again. ALEX (CONT'D) What is this? Hey girl? He unclips it and examines the chain, as well as the pendent hanging from it. A small gold fox tail. ALEX (CONT'D) This ... looks like Christines! I knew I wasn't crazy. He clips it back around her neck. ALEX (CONT'D) You hold on to that. I trust you, now we just need proof about dad before they decide to stick me in a padded room for the rest of my life. FADE OUT.

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