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Digital Camera

Computer Human


Hardware Computer Human


Hardware Computer Human

HOW IT WORKS? 1. - Takes the light emitted from the photo subject, focus in to the image sensor within the camera. 2. - The CCD or the CMOS record light as binary dots that represents the brightness and the color frequencies. 3. - Finally record the data for millions of individual points, that puts together to show the small image. 1.- This device is connected to the computer by cables. 2.-Traslate an electrical signal into an audible sound. 3.- Electromagnet creates a magnetic field when an electric current flows through it. 4.-Finnally the magnet move and that waves are the sound that we heard. 1.- Produce a final picture or object 2.- Put coordinates to fit the image to the paper (control language) 3.- Edit with the default program of the plotter 4.- The plotter interprets the code and apply it 1.- The computer send the data to the printer. 2.- The data send printers page language. 3.- The dta passes trought the cable. 4.- The printer recives the data and then print. 1.- Use the CPU to work 2.- Consume space in your ram. 3.- Downloaded or install. 1.- Microelectrodes arrays in the motor cortex. 2. Thin electrodes detect neuron signals. 3. Neurosignals pass through


Computer Human Hardware

Software keyboards


Robotic Arms

Computer Human

convertors attached to the neuro shell. 4.- Amplifide signals feel to brain-machine. 5.- Later interpret and finally pass to the arm, in real time.


Computer Human Hardware

Braille keyboard

Computer Human

Web Cam

Computer Human

1.- The document is placed on the glass plate. 2.- Then the scanner provides a uniform background, use a refence point. 3.- Then the entire machine works. 4.- Pass the 3 sanning methods. 1.- Work with a USB or ps2 cable. 2.- Connect to the CPU. And this will recognized inmediatly. 1.- The lens capture the images 2.- The circuit of the webcam sends the data captured to the CPU 3.- The PC receives the image through the usb ports 4.- And converts it to the computers language . 1.- You take the pen stylus 2.- Use the tip of the pen stylus to control the touch screen device.

Pen style

Computer Human

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