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Item 9

23 July 2013


Report of Democratic Services Manager All Wards Key Decision = N

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Purpose of Report To consider amending the Councils Constitution to allow the filming of meetings and using social media to report on meetings. Decisions Sought That Members decide whether to permit the filming of meetings for broadcast via the internet Link to Corporate Priorities This proposal links to the theme of Corporate Management Introduction & Background In March this year, Group Leaders considered a request from a local resident to film meetings of the Council which would be broadcast over the internet. Group Leaders referred the request to the Member Working Group involved with the Office Accommodation project. That group responded by arranging an all Member workshop to which the resident was invited to give a presentation. The workshop took place on Wednesday 26 June. In summary, Members were generally supportive of the proposals although one or two concerns were raised, such as: (a) Scope of recording? Whether entire meetings would be recorded, or just items relating to particular locations or topics. Would the video stream be accessible to the whole of the District? Would all meetings be recorded? If certain meetings are recorded and others not then there may be a perception that the Council is cherry-picking what it wishes to be broadcast; Ownership - Whether footage ought to be retained by the Council and what it can do to police any malicious use or unauthorised editing of material online; Resolution/quality of video footage/equipment to be used? High resolution video offers a better viewing experience, however may not be practical for areas of the District with insufficient broadband capabilities. The equipment demonstrated was a smartphone and tablet computer; Method of broadcast? The equipment demonstrated requires a wireless internet connection (Wi-fi) in the meeting room.

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(c) (d)



Would there be access to the broadcasts beyond Richmond, possible links on other Richmondshire websites including our own.


Part A rule 24 of the constitution currently addresses the use of recording equipment and is set out below: 24.0 Use of Audio Equipment The use of audio and/or visual recording equipment at any meeting shall not be permitted unless: (i) (ii) two thirds of the Members present agree to its use at that meeting; and an identical duplicate recording is made concurrently by the person undertaking the recording and given to the Chief Executive immediately at the end of such permitted recording.


Clearly the existing rule has been in place for some time and does not address changes in technology and social media culture which allow for simultaneous recording and broadcast via the internet. The issue has also been considered recently by central Government who, in late June this year, issued a guide for local people entitled Your Councils Cabinet Going to Its Meetings, Seeing How it Works. This guidance does not relate to RDC as it only applies to councils who operate with a cabinet but it does indicate that across central and local government there is an acceptance that the public are now becoming used to accessing services in many different ways and that includes how they participate in council business. If Members are in favour of allowing the recording and broadcast of meetings the rule would have to apply to any meeting open to the public and would require some amendments to the Constitution to set the ground rules. A suggested protocol is attached at Appendix 1. Democratic Services are currently investigating the purchase of a new document management system which can incorporate a webcast of meetings to accompany the Minutes on the Councils website. The full functions and specification of this software will be included in the funding bid for the DMS which will be presented to a future meeting of Strategy Board. Recommendations That members confirm whether they wish to allow the filming and broadcast of all meetings open to the public.




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Corporate Implications Scrutiny Consultation None although a Member Workshop has been held


Community Engagement

Permitting the filming of Council Meetings would actively promote community engagement 6.3 Environment & Sustainability None 6.4 Financial Implications The cost of this proposal is: This will be funded by: This will impact on the medium term budget position by: 6.5 Legal Implications None 6.6 Risk Implications The guidance issued suggests that the filming of Officers and Members is acceptable, however the filming of members of the public may not be permitted should they object. Care must be taken to ensure that the privacy of public in the gallery is respected. The Chairman would have the discretion to stop any filming should this be the case. 6.7 Human Resource Implications None 6.8 Equalities Implications None 6.9 Health & Safety Implications None Nil N/A N/A

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Further Information Background Papers File Reference None Appendices None Michael Dowson 7088 Councillor Mick Griffiths

Contact Officer: Email/Extension: Spokesperson:

Appendix 1
Filming & Use of Social Media at Council Meetings 1. The Council supports the principle of transparency and encourages filming, recording and taking photographs at its meetings that are open to the public. It also welcomes the use of social networking websites (such as Twitter and Facebook) and micro-blogging to communicate with people about what is happening, as it happens. There is a requirement to notify the Council in advance of the meeting by contacting a member of the Democratic Services Team. It should be noted that the Chairman of the meeting will have absolute discretion to terminate or suspend any of these activities if, in their opinion, continuing to do so would prejudice proceedings at the meeting. Filming and recording must be overt. The circumstances in which termination or suspension might occur could include: public disturbance or suspension of the meeting. the meeting agreeing to formally exclude the press and public from the meeting due to the confidential nature of the business being discussed. where it is considered that continued recording/photography/filming/webcasting might infringe the rights of any individual. when the Chairman considers that a defamatory statement has been made.




In allowing this, the Council asks those recording proceedings not to edit the film/recording/photographs in a way that could lead to misinterpretation of the proceedings, or infringe the core values of the Council. This includes refraining from editing an image or views expressed in a way that may ridicule, or show a lack of respect towards those being photographed/filmed/recorded. Those intending to bring large equipment, or wishing to discuss any special requirements are advised to contact the Council's Democratic Services Team in advance of the meeting to seek advice and guidance. Please note that such requests will be subject to practical considerations and the constraints of specific meeting rooms. The use of flash photography or additional lighting will not be allowed unless this has been discussed in advance of the meeting and agreement reached on how it can be done without disrupting proceedings. At the beginning of each meeting, the Chairman will make an announcement that the meeting may be filmed, recorded or photographed. Meeting agendas will also carry this message.



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