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GIVE give away Ill give this old coat away. He said he was not an American, but his accent gave him away. give in At first he wouldnt let her drive but she was so persuasive that eventually he gave in. give off The eggs were giving off a bad smell. give out They gave out the names of the winners. The teacher gave out the books. The champagne gave out long before the end of the reception. The much-abused engine gave out utterly. give up I tried to climb the wall but after I had failed three times I gave up. He gave up drinking whisky before breakfast. He gave himself up to despair. or He was cold and hungry after a week on the run so he gave himself up to the police. TAKE take after He takes after his grandmother; she had red hair too. take back Im sorry I was rude; I take back everything I said. take down He read out the names and his secretary took them down.

take for I took him for his brother they are extremely alike. or Do you take me for a fool? take in At first he took us in by his stories and we tried to help him; but later we learnt that his stories were all lies. People who live by the sea often take in paying guests during the summer. I couldnt take in the lecture at all. It was too difficult for me. Im getting much thinner; Ill have to take in my clothes. take off Take your coat off. I like to watch the planes taking off and landing. take on My doctor says Im too tired and has advised me not to take any more work on. take over We stop working at ten oclock and the night shift takes over until the following morning. or Miss Smith is leaving to get married and Miss Jones will be taking over the class. take to All this gloomy news is enough to make you take to drink. I took to Paul as soon as we met. or Im not sure if hell take to the idea. take up He took up golf and became very keen on it. He has a very small room and most of the space is taken up by a grand piano. or A lot of an MPs time is taken up with answering letters from his constituent.

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