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Lady Macbeth

Archetypes, yo!

Various archetypical representations of LADY MACBETH

Anti mother Witch Typical stupid female

Lady Macbeth as anti-mother

Craving for power

Badass mother with violent tendencies, with fantasies regarding infanticide (dashing of brains)

STOP THAT PUSSY BLEEDING, NOW! Wishes to be a man, to stop any feelings of sensitivity and caring that is associated with females.

Wants to stop having her means of procreation (in layman speak, to cease having children)

Sense of brutality present

Lady Macbeth as a witch

A specific type of anti-mother Definition of witch: A woman who succumbs to satanic forces, a lust for the devil, and who, either for this reason or the desire to obtain supernatural powers or riches, invokes evil sprits. HOWEVER. I shall be focussing on the witch being more as a hero figure.

Lady Macbeth as a witch

However, in this context, Lady Macbeth is portrayed as a female able to stand up to male dominance in Victorian Society, and is thus labelled as a witch.

Lady Macbeth as a witch

A non-conforming, defiant and empowered figure, in a patriarchal system of governance. A challenge to masculinity Enforces a masculine concept of power.

done by: so and so and so and so and so.

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