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TITLE: SuperFuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future AUTHOR: Richard Martin Date of Publication:

2012 Book Description Publication Date: May 8, 2012 | ISBN-10: 0230116477 | ISBN-13: 978-0230116474 A new solution to our global energy crisis may lie in a simple element few know horium t

At the dawn of the atomic age, uranium and thorium were equally important as the element of choice in researching nuclear energy. Either one could have powered the world s reactors. But it was uranium that won out, and thorium, which is far cleaner, safer, and m ore abundant than uranium, was relegated to the dustbin of science. With it went the possibil ity of creating a low risk nuclear energy source to power our planet. What might have happened had our scientists and our government, and the nuclear power industry invested t he resources to develop this little known yet abundant element? Would we face a glo bal energy crisis and the prospect of catastrophic climate change today? Why are cou ntries around the world, including rising economic superpowers India and China, rushing to develop electricity from thorium while the United States, which studied thorium reactors extensively in the 1960s, plays catch up? Now, as the world searches for cheap, non-carbon-emitting energy sources, thoriu m is reemerging as an overlooked solution. As one of the first energy experts to prom ote the development of thorium, award-winning science writer Richard Martin combines science, new historical research, and a gripping business narrative to tell the untold story of thorium power and show how we can wean ourselves off our fossilfuel addiction, deliver a safe energy source for a millennia, and avert the risk of n uclear meltdown. At once a big think book and a science manifesto, SuperFuel challenges us to loo k back at what could have been different in history and forward to an energy revolution in the making. The most important science and technology book of the year, SuperFuel wi ll change the discussion of our energy future. Format: 237 pages in PDF file, delivced in PDF and word .doc format.

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