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Characters: Aiden Meyer Troy Lee Kate Anderson Jake Andrews Aldrin Woods- older Althea Woods (Thea)

Sam Reynolds Chloe Lin Gabrielle Tsui (Gabs) Louie Davis Andre Williams Tanya Lin Leia Rose Diane Rose Sylvia Andrews- Jake's mom Prologue Chloe just wanted a normal life like the other ladies out there but fate seems to have a different plan for her, it seems like nothings ever right in her life everything is just fucked up. All she ever wanted was to be loved but it the road to her only happiness just took a winding path to which lead to difficult paths in her career, relationships, and her family. Little Chloe here just wishes every puzzle in her life would just fall in the right places. Hoping that shed finally land in a job she wants and finding the right guy who would soon make her fairy tale ending a happy one. Struggling with everyday troubles she meets a small group of people who soon become her family. Keeping her past secretly behind her she learns to open up to people and become the bubbly girl that used to be her.

Chapter 1: Wating Chloe 7 years ago

Mommy! Mommy! Look at my drawing of us; me, you, and daddy. The little girl runs to Helena excited to show her the drawing she made. Oh baby, thats nice but how come you drew daddy here? Asks Helena as she remembers the childs father. I miss daddy. When is he gonna come back? The child says sadly pointing at her dads image in the drawing. Chloe dear you know that daddy is not going back right? He hurt us; he left us alone so we wont be hurt again. She says and then bends down to the childs face and holds her face. Cant he visit us mommy?

He will baby, he will. Chloe today He will baby, he will. I held on to that time that he will visit us again, but as the years past I got tired of waiting I know hes not coming back; he has a new family now. That man is unforgivable; I waited 10 long years for him. I was only four years old when he left us; I still remember the days that he hurt me and mom, the shouting, punches, and bruises that we would get from him.

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