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The Personal Voice: Identity, Diversity, Self-Discovery A. Telephone A.1 Why do you think Accawi begins his recollections of childhood by focusing on the way on the passage of time was measured by the villagers. The author starts his memory of his childhood by directing on the way on the passage of time was measured by the villagers out of appreciation of his villages old country culture. A.2 Does Accawi see the villages attitude toward time in positive or negative ways? Accawi see the villages attitude toward time in optimistic ways. A.3 How do his word choices and images reflect his position? In the second paragraph, the last sentence: Simple as our calendar was, it worked just fine for us portrays his positive position on the villages attitude towards time. A.4 Consider the way Acawi introduces the telephone into the village. How does he prepare for its appearance? The appearance of the telephone has significance to the lives of the villagers. Accawi narrated its arrival with such emphasis and significance in his ninth (9th) paragraph: Everybody dropped what they were doing and ran to Abu Rajas house to see what was happening. A.5 How are the class lines of the village drawn when the telephone is installed? The rich villagers are inside the store and stood at the elbows of the two important-looking men from telephone company. Second, the not so poor or middle class villagers stood in the doorway and could see inside. Last, the poorer villagers stood outside and listened carefully to the details relayed by the not so poor villagers. A.6 Finally, why did the telephone turn out to be bad news for the village as a whole? With its coming, the face of the village began to change.

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