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(AP) Fairbanks, Alaska June 18, 2012 Lee Wringwold Sub Arctic coeerspondent, Alaska Bureau


A local man who Alaska State Tropers found walking aimlessly in the Gold Hill area late Sunday evening is expected to recover from what appears to be an unusual attack by a band of vicious mosquitoes known to inhabit the area. Troy M. Sauve a long time resident and professed home wine maker was found dazed and confused while walking on Gold Hill Road Sunday evening, in what medics described as a serious loss of blood due to an unprecedented encounter with a band of mosquitoes. Moquitoes in the Fairbanks area have been long known to be quite large and aggressive, acoording to University of Alaska entomologist, Bonnie Frank. We have actually had reports of them carrying off small children and pets. She said. Apparently, Mr. Sauve was gathering wild rose petals on the side of the road when he encountered a group of mosquitoes who did not approve of his presence. She stated. He is lucky we found him. Sauve reportd to Alaska State Troopers who found him that, he knew he was in trouble when he counted 27 mosquitoes on his right hand. When asked how come he didnt have any mosquitoe dope on him, Sauve said, he would be damned to share even one drop of beer with the lil bastards, let alone anything else they may enjoy.

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