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How To Form The Progressive Tense In Spanish or Gerunds In The Spanish Language

(Juan handed the examination by studying really hard) "Voy a la escuela caminando todos los d-as". (I wander to faculty every working day) Also, we use gerund with ailments: "Haciendo ejercicio, bajars de peso". (Executing physical exercise, you will eliminate body weight) "Ahorrando dinero, podremos ir a Europa". (Saving dollars, we will go to Europe) With simultaneous Steps: "Estudio tomando mate" (I analyze whilst ingesting mate) "Ellas trabajan escuchando la radio". (They perform listening the radio) We can also use it to talk about Time Duration (with "Llevar"): "Llevo d-as pensando en ese problema" (I have been imagining for days about that problem) "Anita lleva five meses comiendo verduras". (Anita has been eating veggies for 5 months) As you can see, the use of "Gerundio" in Spanish is very similar to its use in English, but with some noteworthy cases exactly where it is employed otherwise. Hopefully this exercising will assist you employ the use of gerundio in Spanish more successfully. Remember to observe when you can. Some other resources that I recommend for the significant pupil of the Spanish language are Breaking Out of Novice Spanish (obtainable at and the Verbarrator computer software which handles conjugating Spanish verbs in all of the various tenses including the progressive tense or gerunds. If you're heading to train yourself Spanish properly, you'll need to have to maintain including far more nouns to your vocabulary. We will go about some words and phrases for issues you will see nearly daily. Conserve this checklist as a reference. Don't test to memorize everything, just exercise using the text you think you may require the most, and gradually understand the rest as you turn into a lot more comfy and begin to train your self Spanish verbs and phrases. Teach oneself Spanish - In the Kitchen area - En la Cocina.

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