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What could have been an inspiring story of a young indigenous Filipinas first trip abroad has been dampened

by what a group said may be a case of discrimination by an airline. Arjean Marie Belco, 18, a member of the Talaandig tribe of Bukidnon, was on her way to Brazil for the World Youth Day, when she was stopped at the Kuala Lumpur Airport. Belco was not allowed to board her KLM Airlines connecting flight to Rio de Janeiro via Amsterdam July 20, at the Kuala Lumpur Airport where she arrived from Manila. Arjean was denied her right to travel, Goodxorg, the group which raised funds for her travel abroad, said in a letter of complaint sent to KLM. A KLM employee, whom the group identified as Mr. Shawa, claimed that Belco was not ready to travel and that he was doubtful despite Belcos documents. Shawa reportedly asked Belco why her passport was so new, why her ticket was cheap and purchased the day earlier and how much money she had.

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