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BLOOD DONATION in a minute

Taylor's College Blood Donation Drive 2013

Mohd Syameer Firdaus BS6 1307 Doctors of Tomorrow Club

Who Can Donate?

Healthy adult 18-60 years old 17 years old - parent's written consent Repeated donor; at least 3-months interval from last donation. Not pregnant

Not menstruating (female only...)

Do not take any medicine 24 hours prior to the donation

Why should I donate my blood?!

Save people -Thalasemia, Leukemia, Haemophilia......
Reduced heart disease Benefits for blood glucose level and blood pressure

Myth: Regular blood donation may lead to obesity?

False. Donating blood does not affect your body weight. However some people, after blood donation, eat more food than normal and avoid exercise which may cause weight gain but it is not directly connected to blood donation.

How much blood?

450 ml appx. 1 pint of blood (>60 kg) Your body have 10.5 pints of blood ~ 5 litres of blood! 350 ml only if less than 60 kg

How long will it be?

7-15 minutes -Phlebotomy
24 Hours regeneration of blood plasma 4-8 weeks for red blood cells to regenerate

What should I do?

Eat healthy food (nutritious foods) at least 3 HOURS beforehand.

What I can't do?

Smoke tobacco within 24 hours before the donation. Alcohol intake within 48 hours before the donation.

What should I do after I've donated my blood?

Eat light refreshment 10-15 minutes after the session NO alcohol -24 hours NO heavy exercise or weight lifting -24 hours Leave the gauze for 4-6 hours (don't get it wet!)

BLOOD DONATION: A step away from being a real superhero!

Checking of blood type --> Screening for diseases --> Phlebotomy (taking blood) --> Done :)

Looks can be deceiving..... It's definitely not painful


Thank you for saving someone's life today :)

Doctors of Tomorrow Club, Taylor's College Sri Hartamas Presented by, Mohd Syameer Firdaus 1307 BS6 CAL

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