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Appendix F ETH/125 Version 7 Alastair Harris

University of Phoenix Material

Appendix F
Part I Define the following terms: Term White privilege Definition A right, advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by white persons beyond the common advantage of all others; an exemption in many particular cases from certain burdens or liabilities. the consideration of race when developing a profile of suspected criminals; by extension, a form of racism involving police focus on people of certain racial groups when seeking suspected criminals

Racial profiling


a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. the unfair treatment of members of majority groups resulting from preferential policies, as in college admissions or employment, intended to remedy earlier discrimination against minorities.

Reverse discrimination

Part II Complete the following using the MySocLab Social Explorer Map: Income Inequality by Race located on your student website: Select 1 racial group from the list below: o o o o o African American Asian American Arab American Hispanic American/Latino White/Caucasian

Write a 250- to 350-word summary of the economic, social, and political standings of that group. Use additional resources if necessary, from the University Library or your textbooks.

African Americans such as myself face various obstacles in the world in which we live today. One of the hardest things we face today is racism. African Americans constitute the second largest visible racial/ ethnic minority group in the United States, numbering nearly 35 million and representing slightly more than 13% of the population (U.S. Census Bureau, 2005). They are also the most disadvantaged; according to the 2001 census, nearly 32% of African Americans live in poverty as compared to Hispanics, the largest visible racial/ethnic minority. African Americans are underrepresented at every level of higher education, and their unemployment rate has

Appendix F ETH/125 Version 7 Alastair Harris hovered at more than double that of their non-Hispanic, Caucasian counterparts for the last 20 years. Being born in harsh conditions African American children have higher rates of crime and lack of appropriate educational resources. After reading through this article it seems as if my race is being set up for failure. One reason why I joined the US Army was to get an education. I wanted my daughter to have more opportunities that I received. African American tend to politically voted for the democratic side of the house. I personally believe that my race will vote for any one that will offer all Americans equal rights and opportunities. I think that is where America fails. We all have the same rights but not opportunities. A household with a higher income would have an opportunity to go to private school. Generally private school is a better form of education. What can you tell that young child that want to go to a private school but their parent can afford it. You have the right to go to that school, but not the opportunity. That statement may sound correct, but it still does not help that child the education it needs Grbevski, S., Holbert-Quince, J., Johnson, T., Owens, D., & Parris, G. P. (2010, Spring). Addressing the career development needs of high-achieving African American high school students: implications for counselors. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 33(3), 417+. Retrieved from


Part III Answer the following in 150 to 250 words each: How do racial groups interact in contemporary America? Are interactions positive, negative, or neutral? Support your response using proper citations. I have been in the military for twelve years. In that time, I have met many different races. With that being said, I believe racial groups interact fairly neutral. Everyday was not great because of peoples work ethics. For the most part, to reach a common goal things, worked out well. I feel that our interactions were positive for the most part. Most of the people I have worked with were open to working with other races. I believe that the times when there were conflicts that it had nothing to do with race, but with personality clashes. After researching this question, I realized that although I have been fortunate with the races I have encountered, America in general is different. There is still racism with Blacks and Whites. Some Blacks still feel there is injustice when it comes to blacks and whites. This causes their interactions to be negative. For example, the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case. According to an article written by Patrik Jonnsson in the Christian Science Motor on April 26, 2012, there is still racial prejudice. It speaks of how some Blacks expressed how they felt about the injustice of their race when it comes to whites in America. Some Blacks were charged with hate crimes for assaulting Whites and claiming they were doing this because of the injustice of Trayvon. This interaction is considered negative. I believe that in every race and culture there is at least one person that is racist toward another racial group.

Appendix F ETH/125 Version 7 Alastair Harris

Are there existing social inequities based on race? Why or why not? A child's sense of control over life and health outcomes as well as perceptions of the world as fair, equal, and just are significantly influenced by his or her social experiences and environment. Unfortunately, the social environment for many children of color includes personal and family experiences of racial discrimination that foster perceptions of powerlessness, inequality, and injustice. After reading this statement from this article I found it to be true in my own life. Is it is sad to say but sometimes I hate the skin I am in. I laugh of the black jokes and comments made by friends. I recall a poem written by Langston Hughes. I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table. When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me,"Eat in the kitchen,"Then. Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am. And be ashamed-- I, too, am America . Langston Hughes Some barriers cannot be seen or really studied. These barriers have to be lived and experienced to get the true experience weather good or bad.

What do you believe to be the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination in todays society? I believe some of the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination is peoples ignorance and people being closed-minded to other cultures. Some people just do not care to learn about other cultures to even see if they can learn from them. This is a part of being closed-minded. Many people have their opinion of other races based on familys opinion, the media, and one bad encounter they may have had. For example, prior to 9-11, most people may have had a neutral opinion of Muslims, but after 9-11 the opinions of a lot of Americans changed about Muslims. Many Americans looked at that one bad encounter and changed what they thought about Muslims. Some Muslims were attacked and discriminated against because of what someone did that was out of their control. Past history is another cause of racial prejudice. For example, people who are presently a part of the Ku Klux Klan. I believe that now they are raising their children to hate a race that they are not open to changing their opinions about. Raising a future generation like this will help keep racial prejudice and discrimination alive until the end of days.

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