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What is a Tagline?

A tagline is a succinct phrase, situated under or alongside your logo, that communicates a single but powerful brand message designed to resonate strongly with an intended audience. A tagline is not a proverb, maxim, saying, mission statement, or generic description of what your organization is and does. Taglines are also referred to as slogans, mottos, straplines, and endlines.

Why a Tagline? Taglines are the easiest and most effective way to communicate a new or revised brand message. They can enhance the value and relevance of your brand, extend its reach, and give it renewed vigor. Whether concrete or abstract, serious or funny, use a tagline to:

Express the meaning of your organizations vision or mission Convey essential qualities of your brand character Emphasize a key differentiator or competitive advantage Align your message to a specific audience or target market Promise the fulfillment of a deeply-held need or wish

Tagline Objectives A tagline compresses the meaning of an organizational vision, competitive position, brand promise, product benefit, or experience into a cogent story. Its the distilled essence of your brand message conceived strategically, expressed artfully, and delivered persuasively. As an extension of your organization's brand, a tagline should say something essential about who you are, what makes you special, and why the world should care. It should confer marquee value on your brand and illustrate the value and appeal of your organization. Think of your tagline as a final exclamation point that wraps up your 30second elevator pitch. Since taglines are not written in stone, they can be easily updated or replaced if your organization or message undergoes a shift. Use your tagline to:

Reflect a change in positioning Launch a marketing or brand awareness campaign Forge a relationship with a new audience Define a new direction Highlight a key benefit or attribute

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