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Task 1

Name NIM Class : Ria Dahlia : B1B 090120 : 2C

The Reason Why Galaxies and Quasars are knew by us ?

The solar system is only a minor member of the giant grouping of stars, dust, and gas that makes up our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Milky Way is flat like a phonograph record, but it bulges at the centre. Arms curve out from the centre in a spiral pattern. The sun is in one of the arms, about 25,000 light years from the centre of the Galaxy. There are innumerable other galaxies in the universe. Many of them are spiral galaxies like the Milky Way. Even more galaxies have an elliptical (oval) shape and no spiral arms. The remaining galaxies have an irregular shape. The Milky Way is part of a group of galaxies called the Local Group. it consists of there spiral galaxies, four irregular galaxies, and about 25 elliptical galaxies. The local group, in turn, is part of a larger grouping called the Virgo Cluster. Most galaxies, if not all, are found in such clusters. The Most distant objects that can be detected from the earth are quasars. Quasars give off enormous amounts of radiation. Some quasars are as far as 16 billion light-years away. Astronomers are not certain how quasars produce such vast quantities of radiation that they can be detected across such incredible distances. However , research suggests that a solution to this problem can be found by adding a giant black hole to this theory. Then, the radiation that astronomers are able to detect from a quasar can be seen as the energy that is released when matter falls into the black hole .

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