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Support File for ISLLC Standard 7 A school administrator understands and comprehensively applies technology to advance student achievement.

Personal Statement: To keep up with the constant change and ever growing surge of technology, school administrators must understand and utilize new advances to promote the achievement of all students. Through leadership and proper management I will empower educators with the tools and training necessary to promote responsibility and engage learning in the digital-age.

Standard Artifact Function Post test: Moodle upload

Reflection Utilizing Oaklands Moodle online program I uploaded answers to a Program Evaluation post test; becoming more familiar with the use of this form of communication. I learned what the Smarter Balanced assessments will look like and how it will be administered on a computer. This information will be crucial as both a classroom teacher and a future school leader. After reading and reflecting on an article about the greening of schools I now know about some of the new technology schools can utilize to conserve environmental resources and money at the same time.

Source (Course) EA 747 (Program Evaluation)

B, D

Moodle Post: Smarter Balanced Testing

EA 746 (Curriculum and Staff development)

Paper on Greening Schools

EA 741 (School Business Management)

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