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create procedure sp_helpcode2 @objname varchar(92) as declare @text_count int, @text varchar(255), @line varchar(255), @split tinyint, @lf

char(1) select @lf = char(10) if @@trancount = 0 begin set transaction isolation level 1 set chained off end /***** Make sure the @objname is local to the current database. */ if @objname like "%.%.%" and substring(@objname, 1, charindex(".", @objname) - 1) != db_name() begin print "Object must be in the current database." return (1) end /***** See if @objname exists. */ if (object_id(@objname) is NULL) begin print "Object does not exist in this database." return (1) end select text into #text from syscomments where id = object_id(@objname) select @text_count = @@rowcount /***** Parse and print the text one line at a time. */ set rowcount 1 while @text_count > 0 begin select @text_count = @text_count - 1, @text = text + space( ( 255 - datalength( text ) ) * sign( @text_count ) ), @split = charindex( @lf, text ) from #text delete #text while @split > 0 begin select @line = @line + substring( @text, 1, @split - 1), @text = right( @text, datalength( @text ) - @split ) print "%1!", @line select @split = charindex( @lf, @text ), @line = NULL end if @text_count = 0 print "%1!", @text else select @line = @text end set rowcount 0

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