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What We Do?

In Mondays Carlos go to school.

In Tuesday Carlos go to school and
go to the gym at 6:30 pm.
In Wednesday he goes to see his
grandmother at 7:00 pm.
In Thursday at school is English
class at 11:00 pm.
In Friday Carlos do his entire
home worker.
In Saturday and Sunday Carlos has so much fun.
01 What Do Carlos in Mondays and Tuesdays?
02 And in Wednesday and Thursday?
03 Has Carlos so much fun in fryday?
04 Put T for true and F for False:

( ) Carlos go to the gym at 3:20 pm.

( ) Carlos go see his grandfather.
( ) Carlos has so much fun in Saturday and Sundays
( ) Carlos dont go to school in Mondays
05 Write the right hours:




06 Lets play with the numbers:


eight- six = two

18 5 = 13


10 3 = 7


20 3 = 17


19 9 = 10


07- Draw the clocks:

A 11:30

b- 02: 45


b- 01: 55

08 Draw the pointers

A - 12: 37

B 8: 17

C- 9 : 55

d- 7: 05

c- 04:15

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