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Modern society is obsessed with beauty.

Since the latter half of the 20th Century there has been an increasing focus on the body as a vehicle for identity and self- expression.(expresin de s mismo) Beauty is the apparent new indicator of social worth. However, the desire for beauty is not purely a late 20th Century phenomenon because Cleopatra had milk baths. Although beauty practices have mainly been the domain of woman, both sexes go to beautify(embellecer) themselves. Beauty and youth are becoming crucial/decisive to get a job . Beauty can manifest itself in all forms of kindness.(amabilidad, generosidad, detalle) We are obsessed with beauty because of society, pressure and media, TV. We all have something beautiful about us. There is more pressure on women especially to look a certain way. There has always been pressure on women to be whatever men wanted them to be. We have spent the last 100 years trying to change that. Advertising and the media is particularly pernicious though I agree. No a lot has changed except that women are no longer in the pocket of men as the used to be. And Hollywood is definitely the worst, it is ever been in its depiction(representaciones, descripcin) of women and the range(lnea, registro, escala) of character it writes for them. Health is the best thing in the world we can have, and beauty is something that some people have on the outside, but a lot others have it on the inside. We are all born as babies and during our early childhood years we are more interested in learning about play, we are unaffected and not judgmental about people looks- so, when is the crossover when we start looking and thinking and judging at the difference in people faces? It seems that a lot of humans in this modern world are obsessed with ' beauty- from cheap to expensive products that claim (afirmar) to lift (levantar), reduce, plump(hacer hinchar) and make us all 'beautiful', them

there is the plastic surgeons who cost a lot more than Loreal, Lancome, Maxfactor, Olay, and other such brands of cosmetics. I bet (apostar) we all have host (gran cantidad) of products of various natures in our bathroom cabinets (armario)!. Granted (de acuerdo) that plastic surgery can be an excellent option for someone who has been facially injured in an accident. That's when it's right. But everybody on this planet has a form of beauty within (dentro de) them

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